Trust betrayed

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Among the crowd , Callisto continued to hide . And makes the umpteenth attempt to speak urgently to the Thea Sisters , but once again , they don't seem to be available to answer her distress .

Paulina : Nicky , there's the final tomorrow ! Are you feeling nervous ?

Nicky : To tell you the truth , I don't think I'll be taking part...

For a moment , Pamela , Colette , Violet and Paulina remained silent . Their comrade was giving up the chance to compete for a medal in one of her favorite sports ?

Colette : But why ? You love diving !

Until then , Nicky had preferred not to talk about her problem , hoping that her fear would disappear and everything would return to normal . But the more the days went by , the more difficult diving seemed , and she couldn't go on acting as if nothing had happened with her friends .

Nicky : Ever since I almost fell in the elimination rounds , I've been shaking at the very thought of going up on the platform... let's don't talk about diving !

Violet : Okay , your apprehension is perfectly normal . But there must be some way of overcoming it !

Nicky : I'm afraid not...

The other Thea Sisters tried to change her mind , but with her heart no longer in it , Nicky had decided to withdraw from the competition . Her friends , however, were not defeated . Bruce listened more attentively to the conversation of the five girls , still under the orders of Apotre Mars who had been watching from a distance since the beginning of the event , Nicky must not be withdrawn from the final competition . And he knows how to convince her . The next morning , he went into action . Knowing the mouselet's passion for jogging , he decided to do his warm-up in the garden , to be sure of bumping into her . And indeed...he saw her arrive in her running shoes .

Bruce : Hey , Nicky ! I heard you might not be competing in today's final... Is that true ?

Nicky : Yes...I'd rather not...

The teacher offered her a seat on a bench .

Bruce : Young lady , you seem to have made up your mind ! If this is your choice , I won't try to dissuade you . But I'd like to ask you a question : why did you choose to enter this event in the first place ?

Nicky : Because I love swimming , and even more so diving... When I take off , I feel like I'm flying , and for that split second when I'm soaring through the air , my heart bursts with joy !

Without Nicky realizing it , Apotre Mars appears behind her and Bruce . The professor knows he's there .

Bruce : All right , let me ask you something else . Why do you want to withdraw ?

Nicky : Because the last time I dived , I got a fright I can't get rid of .

Bruce : And don't you think it's a pity that the memory of an unpleasant sensation deprives you of the wonderful emotions you feel the rest of the time ?

Nicky smiled and the fear in her heart began to dissipate . Bruce had a badge on him , he took it off and gave it to her .

Bruce : Here , take this . This badge has been with me since I was your age , it made me what I am today . I'm give it for you for the finale .

Nicky : Really ? Thank you !

Nicky took the badge and pinned it to her sweater . But a few seconds after putting it on , the mouseling suddenly felt a headache , then slowly , she felt her energies leave her .

Bruce : Are you okay , Nicky ?

Nicky : That's weird...something's wrong...why am I...

Suddenly , she heard the giggles of someone behind the bench . Turning , Nicky spotted Apotre Mars .

Nicky : M-Mars... ? Professor Hyena ?

Bruce : Sorry , kid , but I work for him . It's thanks to him that I've survived in the most hostile places on the planet !

Nicky collapsed off the bench . She tried to remove the badge , but it was impossible. The badge is absorbing her energies .

Bruce : It's a pity you don't want to take part in the diving event anymore . You could have had a medal like your friends !

Nicky then understood that the medals the competitors received were not ordinary medals , they actually came from the forces of evil and absorbed the energies of those who wore them . And that the badge that Bruce had just given her was one of the pieces of equipment .

Nicky : The medals...Oh no...! I trust you...! My friends trusted you...!

Unfortunately for Nicky , she couldn't warn her friends about the danger of the medals . She lost consciousness before Bruce's cold eyes .

Bruce : Master Mars , we-

Not letting him finish his sentence , Apotre Mars suddenly ripped off his Stone Sacred and fell to the ground .

Mars : You've done well , Bruce .

With his free paw , he conjured up the black ball that he and his comrades used to fuse with one of their victims' Stones Sacred and summon a monster .

Mars : Come here , Daimon !

A Daimon in the shape of a rhino appears . The Martian took Nicky's body and slung her over his shoulder .

Mars : Let's take care of the others .

Thea Sisters Fanserie episode 20- May the best win !Where stories live. Discover now