IV: And to the South

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1A, 935Y. Five months before Battle of Winterhelm.

Camp Re-Grosh 

The camp was located in the middle of unknown region, outside of their own realm, of Skyrule; even though it was mid-summer it was still fairly cold, being south of their frozen capital. Their camp was located on one of the well-travelled roads leading away from the Blackveil capital of Or-Grorash, a demonic looking city with bloodthirsty orcs, vicious cut-purses and goblin assassins, its walls were made of their old warships which were shipwrecked and the walls didn't seem exactly safe, compared to the high stone walls of Winterhelm of which the forces were used to. According to their General's Intelligence which he was given by an Orcish turn-coat, is that a small, scout party of Blackveil Orcs was headed back into their city, the numbers were assessed and a small strike force of about one hundred men and women was deployed into the middle of no-where on the word on the turncoat who was probably a double agent. Kelo never trusted Orcs, his Father used to tell him stories on what they did to their ancestral halls, great mountain fortresses which they attacked for their jealously of the Dwarves, just because they were able to find gems and metal in these mineral rich mountains. Though that may have been since he was used to Dwarven District of Winterhelm, a very beautiful city with one of the biggest forges in the land; The Great Forge. It was a literal work of art, with aqueducts with molten lave being channelled through them and into the great basins down below to heat up and mix with the metals dug up from the mountain regions around the city and from the great mine near the wealthy city of Anni Opal-Slate.

The Enemy, The Blackveil Orcs, are a vile clan of Orcs which seek to destroy the realm of Skyrule. They seek to take all of the resources of the realm as they have already stripped their land of everything and brought a dead corruption to spread from their city back in the Old Days, before the rise of Anni Opal-Slate, possibly between eight and nine hundred years ago, though the Mages and Wizards of Winterhelm and Those Up North stopped the corruption before it hit the walls of the Realm of Skyrule.

"Sir, we've been camping here for several days. I don't think the Blackveil are coming, Sir," Auril said calmly towards Kelouramis, her long black hair flowed gently down her back in a tidy and tight ponytail. Her deep brown eyes also looked calm though her face, which was clear and pale, appeared slightly worried. She wore a silver steel breastplate with silver pauldrons on her shoulders, a distinct darker set of parallel lines were engraved into them to show that she was of the rank lieutenant. The pauldrons and breastplate shone warmly in the summer sunlight. Over the latter she wore a knee length tabard, crimson in colour with the emblem of the city she served, Winterhelm. Kelo looked down and began to stroke his thick, fiery orange beard which was usually combed nicely and thoroughly in the morning but he hadn't had time since he was away from his home. He wore the same armour as the Auril but had golden pauldrons which showed him as one of the eight captains of the Winterhelm Guard.

"Aye know we have lass, aye don't give the high orders. Aye just carry out what them Generals want done and aye give the orders to all ye lads and lass' to get the job done" he said, looking up from inspecting his beard to the young elf looking at him with a hint of something he just could not recognise in her eye, possibly admiration, with another hint of confusion from what he just said.

"I know Sir, Would you like me to return to the War-Tent Captain Kelouramis?" She asked, lowering her head towards the ground.

"If ye want to or ye can go get some grub if ye want Lieutenant Auril. Aye don't think we're gonna be going anywhere till these bloody orcs turn up. They're late" he said with a cheeky smile growing on my face. Auril turned and left the fire pit where the two were just talking, she walked into the large tent at the end of the column.

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