XVII: And the Orcs become victorious

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Anni Opal-Slate

Six months onward and winter begins to break out in Anni Opal-Slate, a light dusting of snow in the morning which is gone by midday, the sun's warmth is greatly welcomed and all the winter crops and flowers begin to bloom. Now a full city and almost completed, people buzzed around the streets like they once did, buying and selling goods to travellers. The Deathguard presence in the city was quite good for the morale of the city, as the citizens and guards became reunited with their loved ones and friends. From the overwatch upon the mountain, in between the Temple of Time and the Green Dragon Tavern, the cloud of dread still covered Old Opal-Slate whilst a mystical city hovered over the forest, its spires glowing in the golden warmth of the sun. Griffons flew around the city with mages upon their backs, their colours ranged depending on the griffon, but the Vanquishers that the Deathguard rode were also dark illuminated by a strange and cold blue light, they flew around the old city and patrolled the other cities, some death knights casually talking to their magi friends on the same patrol mission. If an enemy got to close to the walls the Vanquisher would give out a large, cold screech which usually frightened off the enemy, as well as making everyone but the rider slightly scared but they soon got used to it. Kelo, happier than ever that Auril was back, wore a new tabard, over his new Captain of the Guard armour fashioned with new engravings, this new tabard was the same colour as the old one, but had a different symbol on it, the crest of Skyrule, fashioned in black. Every guard wore it now, as did every soldier and the flags were changed. Skyrule was at war and at full strength. Kelo did his usual patrol around the wall, making sure it was all quiet with Fang by his side, which seemed to get along quite well with the werjian in the city. Auril flew slowly on the other side of the wall, talking to Kelo on their patrol casually. Parry looked out the open window of his castle's war room. Bazz was explaining something but Parry wasn't paying attention. Also in the room were Anni, Jêss, and, Arch-Mage Saldrjn, now admiral Mill, who was sitting back in his chair, his feet up on the table.

"Palridian, are you listening?" Bazz asked a bark in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah im listening" Parry explained, looking back to the large map of Skyrule and its surrounding continents.

"Fuck off ye were" Mill said, pointing at him.

"Neither were you" Parry exclaimed.

"Fuck ay" Mill said to which Bazz rolled his eyes.

"So, we need our forces to get on all the warships in the harbour, and we need the frigates to escort the ships all the way into Or-Grorash, where they will begin bombarding it, our forces will land on the beach head in the Field of Blood. Hopefully we're not met by any real force" Jêss explained as Bazz slumped into his seat.

"What if we do get met with hostile force?" Anni asked, curiously.

"Then it's not good" Bazz replied "We'd be cut down by orcs before we land".

"Not if we had vanquishers" Parry mumbled.

"No, we're not going to use vanquishers. The Deathguard are guards so they will guard Anni Opal-Slate" Bazz replied.

"M'kay, then how would we land if there are a lot of them?" Anni suggested.

"Blow 'em to fuckin' pieces" Mill suggested, reaching for a bottle of alcohol.

"We'll see how this goes. But first we need to get there" Jêss explained.

"Ya, Doe da secondary mission is almost as important as da first" Saldrjn said "We need to get to da Mana Bomb before it leaves dat city, If it gone Mon, we is dead".

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