X: Will fight together

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1A, 937Y

Opal-Slate Harbour

The Blackveil Runner glided into the harbour gracefully. Opal-Slate Harbour was more of a city than just a harbour; ships sailed in and out of the harbour through a narrow channel which was enough for two ships to comfortably sail through. Made up of wooden jetties on a few tiers; on the top tier shops, taverns, market stalls, inns and other buildings lined the streets, on the side of the city, large sheds stood tall with ships inside, damaged and beings repairs, most of them were merchant ships but the odd Skyrulean Navy ship sat, being repaired from its latest Blackveil attack. The blockade runner glided to a clear jetty, Anni Opal-Slate guards approached the ship, their footsteps hollow on the wooden floors, their swords and armour clunking as they walked on. The sailors climbed up onto the masts and tied up the sails and its anchor was dropped, steadily the ship began to slow down. The Blackveil Runner eventually stopped and floated gracefully to the dock before it stopped, being tied off by the guards who came to greet the ship and its crew. Captain Mill and Kelo disembarked the stationary vessel and approached the guards, their armour silver in colour with blue tabards over the top of the armour with the symbol of Opal-Slate on it.

"Greetings Friends, What brings you to Opal-Slate Harbour?" the guard on the left asked Mill and Kelo.

"We need to speak to the Royal Family, we are in possession of very important information" Captain Mill said knowingly.

"Shouldn't you have gone to Winterhelm?" He replied and Kelo spoke up.

"Winterhelm is gone, it's been overrun" he said and the guard seemed shocked "Now, can we go see King Palridian or Queen Anni?" he continued. The guard stroked his stubble under his helmet.

"I suppose you can, Captain of Winterhelm and Captain of Blockade Runner" He said coming to a conclusion.

"Thank you" Mill said as they followed the party of Guards through the harbour-town, smells of strong breads and cheeses permeated throughout the air, the smell of strong ale filled Kelo's nose and the shanties being sung by the sailors at the taverns filled Kelo's ears with a pleasant noise, some shanties were foreign from other countries or perhaps realms. Mill began to sing quietly to himself on their walk. Slowly they began to approach a gigantic wall with even taller towers at even intervals. Above those towers stood a pair of even taller towers, at the bottom the road led through the wall at a gateway.

"Some Curse has taken Anni Opal-Slate" The Guard explained "So we had to move the royal family and a minority of the citizens to New Opal-Slate, because the fell curse is froze the city. The majority stayed in Anni Opal-Slate, saying they'll live with the cold weather".

"That's a big problem then" Mill said, after finishing his quiet song.

"Yeah, but it's their choice. At least King Palridian and Queen Anni are okay, they're in the castle, and that's where we are going" Another guard spoke up, his long orange hair was visible under his helmet.

"As long as he's okay, we may survive" Kelo said quietly. The party passed under the large gateway which entered the city.

Parry sat up in his seat amidst all the books in his new library, his hair spread across his tired face. His attire was the same since the Freezing, the name he gave the curse spreading across Old Opal-Slate. Anni walked up behind him and put her arms around him. Books lined the walls with a large staircase in the centre. Several tables were placed in the middle of the room; books piled high upon them, librarians working hard to put them where they went in order. Parry was reading a book which had diagrams of magical tables and runes.

"Hello Sweetheart" she said quietly, before kissing his cheek.

"'Ello my Love" He said back, terribly tired.

"There is a Dwarf from Winterhelm and a Captain from a blockade runner downstairs. They say they have important information for you" she said back.

"Can you send them up here?" he asked back.

"Of course, they'll be right up my Dear" she said and turned to get the guests.

Anni returned with a long haired dwarf and a well-dressed captain following behind. Parry rubbed his eyes and sat up in his chair. The dwarf bowed and so did the captain.

"I take my leave" Anni said and wandered off down into the elaborate gardens of the castle.

"My King, I am Kelouramis, a Captain of the Guard of Winterhelm. And with me is Andrew Mill, captain of the Blackveil Runner" Kelo spoke with a clear dwarvish accent and a very formal stance.

"Captain Mill at your service, my King" Mill said bowing again. Parry returned the bow with his head and motioned for Kelo and Mill to take a seat on the opposite side of the table he was sitting at. The two sat at the table willingly and thanked Parry.

"Now, my Queen says you contain important information for me" Parry said, his tired eyes looking straight through the two.

"He does, I just get him places" Mill joked and the Parry cracked a smile.

"I like you Mill, you have a sense of charm I dearly miss from everyone else who comes into this castle" Parry said, very informally at looked at Kelo again "Kelo, you're a dwarf, where is your famous charm?" he continued and Kelo went back to his usual voice.

"Sorry, meh King. Aye didn't realise ye we're a fun royal" Kelo replied, a smile upon his lips, a thing which he had not felt since Auril fell.

"Ye don't need to call me king, Friend. You two can just call me Parry" he said as he smiled warmly towards the two. "Now, this information, I assume you have it Kelo" Parry suggested.

"Aye I do; this is where we're at," Kelo started to tell Parry what had happened. He started in Or-Grorash...

"Okay, After infiltrating the Blackveil city as a bounty hunter with a bounty from Kasterborous, I discovered the warlocks under that city as developing a mana-bomb, after escaping from the city with the help of Mill, we made sail for Winterhelm. When we got there, the harbour was abandoned, the gates were shut with a single sign in front of them. On it described that the city had been overrun by a curse. The Curse of the Werjian" Kelo finished and Parry stared at him intently.

"So Winterhelm has fallen, and everybody is gone..." Parry's voice trailed off.

"Yes, I am sorry" Mill said.

"It is a blow fer us all" Kelo said and they all mourned at the news.

"So...so I'm technically the High-King now...damn..." Parry said, a tears beginning to flow down his face.

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