VI: And from the West

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Drajil Mine

Deep underneath the city of Opal-Slate, a massive mine system was carved into the ground, the entrance being near the small village of Drajil. The village wasn't that big at all, a few houses with a blacksmith on the hill. A small stream ran near the village and headed towards the Sea. Drajil's mines were filled with an abundance of many things, including; Gems, rock, resources and Dwarves. Even though the Dwarves weren't born in the ground, it was still their favourite place to be, they preferred to be underground in the darkness, constantly digging, never ever digging too deep.

One dwarf with a massive black beard, plaited messily, his bald head was covered with rock dust which was also imbedded in his beard. His pickaxe was the dearest thing to him, next to that was his shovel and his love of the earth and its minerals. He swung at the rock with immense strength, chipping away a segment of rock, with each swing, his candle lighting only a small part of the dark cavern. Wiping the sweat from his brow he looked around; it looked as if starlight was above him, all the little different candles spread throughout the enormous cavern where other dwarves were hard at their passion and their work. Others were suspended by ropes, creating and decorating massive pillars, spread around the cavern to keep the roof from caving in and crushing the dwarves and anybody who was on the topside of the ground. This Dwarf chipped away some more till he struck something which was nothing like any of the materials he had encountered, not like gold or silver, or sapphires or emeralds, rubies, lapis and even diamond, not this was something different. He bent over and removed the rock chippings from the new substance and was blinded by the light it emitted. Shielding his face from the blinding light, he forced his eyes open and looked at the rock; the light became darker and deeper purple in colour. The rock was not a rock at all, it was an enormous crystal which pulsed with an eerie dark beat; its surface was solid back and within it seemed to be something moving around with flashes of purple and violet colour. The dwarf excavated it a bit more and took it out of the ground and it burnt cold through his gloves, the dwarf looked at it curiously as freezing vapour fell off it mystically. The dwarf rubbed his hands together to warm then up and he lifted the surprising light crystal into the steel minecart.

"What are ye?" He asked to himself as he pushed the mine cart with the crystal and what he had mined up to the surface.

"Ay'd better tell the King about thus thing" he replied to himself and continued.


Emelza and Kaelza pranced around the merchant district of the mage city, bounding from shop to shop, browsing foods, pets and supplies, clothes, alchemical reagents, apparatuses, and all sorts of magical and mystical trinkets and wares. The Merchant district was the large and wide area, made up of four streets; Winterhelm faced the east and Anni Opal-Slate faced the west, North was Kasterborous and facing south was Eleth, which was the direction which each city lay in the actual Realm of Skyrule. It was situated just outside the Citadel and before the separation of the embassies and races. Races of all sorts sold lots of different wares; the trolls from the city of Eleth sold different sorts of jewellery and spiritual relics mainly used by Geomancers and Druids, the orcs down from below the city of Kasterborous and the broken city of Or-Grorash sold more offensive reagents and darker relics more suited to Warlocks and Witches, they also sold necrotic reagents and horrific ingredients in the Undercity, the city below the city, though the Arch-Mage was attempting to subdue to Necromancers and put a balance to the world of mana. The human populous sold more holy relics, devoted to their gods and goddesses, with an emphasis on priest/priestesses and holy paladins on quests to stem corruption...though it usually didn't end well when they found the Undercity. The elves sold their armour, clothing and sometimes whenever permitted, weapons, elvish weapons were some of the strongest in the Realm, even more powerful if they had been imbued with runes, though barely any alchemists lived with the skill or any runeforges remained to imbue weapons with these runes anymore. These weapons were once called Runeblades, and the secrets of making them were long since lost.

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