Chapter Two

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I flex my hand, watching little trails of blood pour through the slightly cracked skin of my knuckles.

I needed that, I thought to myself. After the fucked up afternoon I had, an outlet for my frustrations was more than welcome. Luckily for me, there are always motherfuckas around that try to fuck with my family and our business, and, therefore, sometimes they need a little reminder from who they are working for.

" Chto my sobsrayemsya s etim delat'" Alexie, who stands next to the entrance, lazily puffing on his cigar, asks as soon as I leave the building, heading straight for my car.

Translation - What are we going to do with it?

" Skin' yego tuda, gde nashel " I couldn't care less what my men were doing with the bitch who thought he could betray us. Even after working out my emotions on him, I still feel too worked up for my liking.

Translation - Dump it where you found it

I need a drink.

With my brothers and father out of the country, taking care of business back home fell entirely to me. Usually, I don't mind shit like that. On the contrary, not constantly living in the shadows of my brothers is something I usually long for

But not today Valenci.

Not when, after weeks of dragging it out, I finally met with the realtor to hand over the keys to the condo Martina had owned in Woodbury, the one she let her daughter have while she studied here in Minnesota.

Like she did with everything she owned, leaving her only child behind with nothing. It wasn't anything that hadn't happened before. Yet handling that particular estate felt like pure torture. Even though Rohm had moved out only three days after being informed about the change in ownership, her perfume still lingered in the air.

It had nearly felt like she had been there with me. The fact that she wasn't was a constant reminder of what my father and my family did to her. I am tempted to say it's not fair, knowing very well that the concept of fairness doesn't exist in my world.

Vengence that is what my family does - what my father did. Martina Devlin betrayed my family, and her family deserves to pay for that. That's how it's always been, how it will always be.

And if it were just anyone who had that happened to them, I wouldn't even spare a single thought on whether it's fair. But Rohm isn't just anyone. She was always the epitome of light and innocence in a world full of darkness and evil.

She deserved nothing that had happened to her, especially not when it happened at the hands of someone she thought she could trust, whom she thought loved her.

An Hour Later..

The dull bass of the music playing in the dark club revibrates through my body as I enter Sin City Nights, the newest edition of the long list of nightclubs we own. The main room of the exclusive gentlemen's club is mainly shrouded in darkness, with a few dimmed wall luminaires being the only source of light.

And the bright spotlight is currently aimed at a busty blonde, who is moving her voluptuous body to the beat of the music. Other dancers who are barely dressed with drinks in their hands and seductive smiles on their lips fan out to take care of the well-being of the heeled men.

A smile tugs at my lips as I find Nikolai sitting at the bar, nursing a glass of sparkling water like nearly every night in the past three weeks.

" Kak dela chuvak? " I say patting the fucker on the back.

How are you, dude?

" Prosto naslazhdayus' vidom "

Just enjoying the view 

" Eto proiskhodit v drugom meste " I pat his back again with a mischievous grin on my face as he shoots me an annoyed look.

It happens elsewhere

A moment later, Cherry, the newest bar manager I hired a couple of weeks back, who I suspect is the reason for Nikolai's new love for spending his time here, walks right past us.

" The usual? " Cherry asks me with a smile.

" Yes, have it sent up to my table, and give me a shot of Vodka please " Cherry wordlessly puts the shot glass in front of me, I gulp down the liquid all at once. After slamming the glass back down on the bar counter, I move toward the back of the club and up the flight of stairs that lead from the main floor to the VIP section.

My table is at the end of the gallery, with a perfect view of the lower floor and the stage and that's where my full attention wanders as she enters the spotlight... Rohm Devlin.

Kakogo cherta

I was thrown into a state of shock, anger, irritation, and turned on all at once as I watched her move her body in a seductive way to the beat of the music. The scene unfolding in front of me draws me in with such intensity that I don't even realize that my drink has arrived.

One of the waitresses, whose name I don't know, simply because I don't care, drags her tongue along her bottom lip as her eyes rest on the obvious bulge in my pants. She starts to stick out her fake-ass boobs even more before speaking.

" Is there anything else I can do for you, Sir?"

" No, now scram" Usually I wouldn't be opposed to the idea, but I dismiss her with a wave of my hand and agitation laced in my voice, bringing my attention back to the brown beauty I'd want to take care of my painfully throbbing dick.

The woman I can't have.

For the longest time, she was too innocent, simply too young, and off-limits. Even when she turned 18 she was much too young. She was the daughter of my father's best friend.

The same friend that turned on my father and, therefore, became an enemy. And the daughter of an enemy is an enemy; consequently, Rohm remains unattainable.

That doesn't change the fact that I am already visualizing at least fifty unholy ways id make her cum on my dick. With my grip tight on the glass, I down my drink in an attempt to calm the need boiling up inside of me.

After seeing Rohm like that, I know I'll never get my dick to settle again. In the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of the cunt who served my drink, making her way between the tables.

With a quick movement of my hand, I beckon her over to me without taking my eyes off the brown beauty.

" Yes sir?"

"Sweetheart there is something I want you to do for me ".

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