Chapter Five

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It takes all of my self-control to let Rohm leave and shuffle back to my desk. I could charge down the hallway after her, demand that she listen to me, demand that she speak to me.

But I don't.

Even though I am reluctant to grant her wish and leave her alone, I do. It's not that I did expect her to be happy to see me to talk to me.

As far as she is concerned, I'm a fucking monster, just like the rest of my family. And in the end, she might be right.

Just as I am about to grab my phone to call Ambrose, I hear heavy footsteps in the hallway. When I look up he leans in the doorway with a smug grin on his face.

" Bitch what happened, why aren't you chasing after her? " I grit my teeth.

" Because that'll be your job" 

" The fuck! Why? "

" Make sure she gets home safe and I want someone watching her at all times... Now go " 

" Yes boss, I's getting to it " he rolls his eyes turning away from me.

" And get rid of that fucking attitude before I do it for you " Before I can throw any more profanities at him, he slams my office door shut.

That bastard is more than lucky that he is one of the best men we have and the closest thing to a friend that a man like me can have.

The phone in my hand starts ringing, disturbing my line of thought.

" Valko?"

" privet mladshiy brat, vse v poryadke? "

Translation - Hi little brother, everything is fine?

" Is there a specific reason why you're asking? " My brother flying around the world, relaxing on a beach with a drink in his hand, is still a picture my brain can't seem to understand.

It's funny how much he has changed since finding the love of his life. Born and bred to be the head of this family and our business, he never had as much as a thought about the more... normal things in life.

But that changed the minute a woman named Harlem became his wife. Now Valko is on his first holiday ever to spend as much time with her as he can while they are still a pair before becoming a family in the next 3 months.

" I just wanted to check if you already burned everything we own to the ground "

" Shut the fuck up, Valko, I'm not a kid anymore " While Valko has always been the best leader with nothing but our business in mind, and our other brother Vlad is the perfect right-hand man to him, I as the youngest, have always been the wild and unreasonable brother.

I spent significantly more time with our men and getting into fights and trouble than with the family business. Only when Vlad became a widower and single father did I have to step up for him to step down and take care of his daughter.

After falling in love with his daughter's teacher, Vlad eventually stepped down for good from the business, leaving me at my brother's side.

But both of them, especially Valko, still treat me like a child.

"Everything is running like clockwork, no need to worry" There's a moment of silence before Valko continues to speak.

" The realtor called me today; he'll be sending over the design plans soon, I'd appreciate it if everything is done before we return" Everything regarding Rohm and her mother is usually something he tries to avoid talking about

I can comprehend his attempt to shield his wife from the topic. While Harlem is the perfect support for him, she is... was also Rohm's cousin.

And I can only imagine she didn't take it lightly that she had to cut herself out of her life from one second to another.

But even with her limited knowledge about the world she married into, Harlem understood what was expected of her. Just as Valko dutifully stands behind our father's decision, Harlem does the same way with my brother.

Betrayal is something that isn't to be taken lightly, and when it comes from someone so close, it's inevitably an emotional matter. Any demand for reasonability or remission would prove useless.

"Of course"

"Good and try not to get us into any more trouble" Before I can say anything else, the line goes dead.


I throw my phone back on the desk before pushing myself up from the seat. For what feels like an eternity, I pace the floor before my phone pings with a new message.

No words, just a picture of a building. Of course, I know the building. I checked it out myself soon after Rohm moved in.

And I hate the place just as much as the fact that she's living there. It could be worse, but still, my baby doesn't belong in a hell like that.

My baby - she would be pissed as hell for me even thinking about her like that. Besides that I shouldn't, I know myself well enough to realize that I am in no position to care about her.

Being attracted to a young and beautiful woman is one thing. Caring for her is something entirely else.


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