Chapter Ten

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October 16th, 2033

3:10 A.M.


The moment Valenci's lips touched mine, it felt like the whole world stood still. I put my hands on his chest.

This is when I shove him away from me, or that's at least what I'm supposed to do. Instead, I part my lips and curl my fingers around his shirt, pulling him up against me.

His long and warm tongue slips inside my mouth and immediately claims me as his hands move the back of my head and fists my curls.

I mimic his movements, letting my hands wander up his hard chest, and over his shoulders, until I feel the short, messy strands of his thick blond hair intertwining with my fingers.

The steam-filled bathroom was a perfect setting for the passionate embrace between me and Valenci. Our lips locked in a desperate kiss, tongues entwining as we tasted each other.

My hands roamed Valenci's body, my slender fingers tracing every curve and contour. my soft, brown skin contrasted sharply against Valenci's Beige complexion, adding a layer of sensuality to the already heated moment.

Valenci returned the favor by exploring my body with his hands using equal enthusiasm. His fingers traced down my spine, causing shivers to run through my body.

We pulled away from the kiss briefly, panting heavily, before crashing back into another deep, passionate kiss.

Our bodies pressed together, the heat from our arousal palpable.

I've had a crush on Valenci Vasilyev since I was 10 years old. At the time, he was already a lot older than me, most likely seeing me as nothing more than a little sister.

But a little girl can always dream.

But even when I realized that I would never be able to choose a husband on my own, a part of me hoped that my mother and her best friend would decide that they would one day unite their families.

How fucking naive and stupid I was.

Still, even now and after everything that happened between my family and his, I can't help but melt into Valenci's touch.

I have dreamed about this happening for so long that I couldn't care less about the circumstances that made it happen.

Or that this isn't even supposed to happen.

We are both breathless when he breaks the kiss. I barely dare to look at him, but when I do, I can no longer see the anger from before.

Instead, there is an entirely different fire burning in his blue eyes, one carnal. The way he's looking at me is so intense, so full of hunger that it makes me shiver.

It's a delicious yet scary mixture of excitement and fear of what is going to happen next.

"Does that answer your question Zolotse?" I blink at him dumbfounded for a moment, trying to remember what he is talking about.


"Now tell me who hurt you, Rohm?" I shake my head in answer.

"Rohm!" His voice is hardening again, his tone low and controlled.

"Leave it be, it's none of your business" I know he won't leave me alone until I give him an answer that is to his satisfaction.

Only that no matter if I lie or tell him the truth, he won't be satisfied.

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