Chapter Nine

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October 16th, 2023

3:06 A.M.


"You said you'll take me home" Rohm's voice is so quiet I can hardly make out her words.

But I was already wondering when she would realize that I was heading in the opposite direction from where she lives.

"I am taking you home"

"You know what I mean" In the corner of my eye, I can see her defiant pose with her arms crossed in front of her chest and her gaze stubbornly directed out of my car window.

Even though I can't see her face, I have a good idea of her facial expression. She isn't happy with me, and she's not trying to hide it.

We both remain silent as I maneuver the car through the night traffic until I come to a stop in front of my condo.

"Where are we, and what am I doing here?" She still doesn't look at me when she speaks. Rohm has never been to my place before.

Still, I doubt that she has any clue as to where I brought her.

"I live here Ro-"


"No, I don't want to hear your mouth. We will make our way inside so I can look at your injuries and ensure you're okay."

"That's not necessary, it's nothing" I grit my teeth at her, trying to play everything that happened down.

"It's not NOTHING?" She glares me over her shoulder before opening the car door and throwing it shut behind her.

Silently, she follows me inside and into the elevator, where I punch the security code into the box next to the panel, and the doors close.

We ride to the top of the building in silence; Rohm has her eyes fixed on the lift floor, not looking at me once.

When the elevator pings as we arrive on the top floor and the doors open, she steps into the foyer without looking back at me or me having to say something.

"The bathroom is over there" I put my hand on her arm and gently pull her forward, but she immediately tries to jerk out of my grasp.

"I can walk on my own." Ah, there is her spark again. But it goes out as fast as it lights up. Only when we arrived in the bathroom, did I let go of her arm.

"Take off your pants and sit on that chair over there" I point to the large vanity before turning my back to her, opening a few drawers of the cupboard to gather together everything I need.

"What? Why?" The shock in her voice is audible.

When I have everything I need, she still stands in the middle of the room, staring at me with wide eyes. It is the most obscure thing for me to ask her to take off her pants after she's been running around in barely any clothing the whole night.

My eyes travel down her body until they rest on the hole in her jeans and her bloody knee peaking out of the torn fabric.

"You scraped your knee, I need to clean it properly"

"Oh." A tiny sound escaped her throat as she looked down her body " I-I didn't even realize".

With shaky hands, she unbuttons her jeans and pushes them down her legs, keeping her eyes on the fabric pool at her feet. 

When I start walking towards her, she mirrors my movements, stepping backward. We both stop when she bumps against the counter, being now caged in between the vanity and me.

I put down the tools I gathered before lifting Rohm and placing her on the top of the counter.

She doesn't speak, and her eyes are locked at a point on my chest when I start to dab her knee with a cotton swab drenched in peroxide.

Her only reactions are a small flinch and a short hiss through her teeth when the peroxide touches her wound. When I'm done, I put a bandaid over the wound and move to take a closer look at her face.

Only reluctantly and after I grab her chin does she look at me while I look at her cheek. It doesn't look too bad, but I am sure she got a bruise.

I can't hold back the deep rumble radiating from my chest.

"What the fuck happened?"

"I told you already, it was nothing"

"You don't look like nothing happened to you" I put my hand over the side of her ribcage, and she winced at my touch.

That bitch most likely bruised several ribs when he kicked her, "What about your hand? Can you move it?"

"Yes. I told you it's fine" She holds out her hand slightly; it's purple and slightly swollen, but she managed to fist and flex her fingers without a problem.


"You wanted to take a LOOK, and now you did. It's time for me to go home"

"You not going anywhere until -"

"You can't make me stay here the fuck.. I'm leaving NOW"

"You can try, but we both know how far you'll get" She glares up at me with so much anger in her beautiful brown eyes, but at the same time, I can see that she understands exactly that she won't even get to the bathroom door before i catch her.

"Do you know how much of a cunt you are?"

"I think we've had that covered already baby... Now tell me who the fuck attacked you and what they wanted from you" I need her to tell me who those bastards are. Several cameras overlook the alley.

It won't be too long until I know exactly who it is, I am going to kill whoever laid a hand on her.

"Why do you care? Shouldn't you be happy? This is what you and your family wanted right?"

"You think this makes me fucking happy?" My jaw tenses as I tilt her head back a bit more. Just as much that she has no other choice than to look at me.

"You think this is what I want?" I spit out as she tries to jerk away from my touch. She couldn't be any more wrong.

Nothing that happened has been close to anything that I want. Because, in truth, there's just one thing I want.



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