Chapter Twelve

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The sun is already beginning to rise when I wake up in an unfamiliar room I jerk up to a sitting position, looking around me until the memories from last night come back to my mind and I know where I am

"Fuck" I'm in Valenci's home - even worse, in his bed. What the hell have I done?

The moment I move and feel the slight burn and soreness between my legs I become aware of what I have done last night.

For fucks sake, I am so goddamn stupid.

My heartbeat picks up as images of the past night, flood my mind and fill me with shame and guilt. I throw back the cover and stumble out of bed.

As soon as I take one step, I'll become painfully aware of my interactions with Haruki and Valenci. There isn't a part of my body that doesn't hurt or is sore.

But I don't have time to dwell on my misery, especially since I am the blame for it in the first place.

I need to grab my things and get the hell out of here. I need to get as far away as possible from Valenci. That's precisely what I should have done last night instead of letting him...

I stumble across my bra on the floor and quickly pick it up before spotting my panties. Clutching my underwear to my chest, I vanish into the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

My eyes widen at my reflection as I hardly recognize the woman staring back at me. Even though I haven't had such a good night's sleep in weeks, maybe even months, I look more exhausted than before.

I turn on the cold water, watching it stream down the sink for a moment before splashing some on my face. When my fingers brush my cheek, I immediately feel a pulsing pain.

When I take a closer look, I can even see the beginning bruising, and by the looks of it, it's going to look ugly.

I will undoubtedly need a lot of make-up to cover that up for work. A soft laugh escapes my throat at the line of my thoughts.

As if covering up a little bruise is my biggest problem. More than having the fucking Yäkuza on my ass and Valenci Vasilyev sticking his nose in my business.

That thought is my cue to gather the rest of my clothes and get dressed. I step back into Valenci's bedroom, thankfully immediately spotting my purse on the dresser.

After a quick check that my keys and phone are in it, I grab it and I'm ready to leave. When I turn around, Valenci stands in the doorway with a dark glare settled right on me "Where do you think you're going?".

"I'm going home"

"No, you're not"

"I wasn't asking for your permission dickhead" I straighten my spine and lift my chin, willing to show him I wasn't backing down. But as soon as he takes a step into the room. I take one step back, bumping into the dresser behind me.

"Why would you even want me to stay here? We have nothing more to discuss"

"Oh, that's where you're quite wrong. We have lots to discuss" He takes another step forward and closes the door behind him.

When he turns back to look at me, a chill runs down my spine, and I immediately know that I won't like whatever he has to say to me "Rohm-"

"No. We have already had that conversation, and I will not have it again. I don't want your help. I won't take your money. I don't want anything from you or your family besides you leaving me the hell alone, please just let me go home and forget about me"

"That's not going to happen" I want to pull my hair out and scream. I want to grab him and slap some sense into him "and that's not what we have to talk about"

"Right. Because I have nothing more to say to you" The calmness of his tone in his posture makes something inside of me snap completely.

"Your family has taken everything from me. And what I had left... you took from me. You've already hurt me enough"

"What the fuck did you just say?" His tone is a dare. One I would be clever not to accept. I don't answer him as angry. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, and I focused on taking deep breaths to stop them from falling. I'll be damned if I start crying in front of him right here, right now.

With his eyes trained on mine, Valenci slowly walks toward me. With the back of my legs already pressing against the dresser there is nowhere I can go.

When he stands directly in front of me and reaches out his hand to touch me, my eyes fall on a dark spot on his sleeve "Is that blood?".

"Oh, it's not mine, don't worry," he says as if that would explain everything "What did you do?".

"It doesn't matter. None of Kutsuki's men will touch you ever again"

"Wait what?"

"Because as long as you wear my name and my ring... as long as you are mine - nothing will happen to you" he spits out with a big smile on his face.

"The fuck are you talking about?" He doesn't even have time to answer me when his words sink in "You're insane. I am not marrying you".

"I might be a lot of things, baby, but insane is not one of them" He smirks down at me as if this is all a game, a big joke to him "You won't accept my money or me handling the situation for you. so there's only one other simple and easy way I can help you".

"I'm not marrying you" I am surprised that I'm able to keep my voice from shaking as I say the words "Yes, you are".

"You can't just barge in here and tell me I'm marrying you and think that's going to happen".

"But that's exactly what I just did and that's exactly what's going to happen. The judge is already on his way here".

"Your family will never-"

"My family is my concern. All you need to worry about right now is saying your vows and signing the marriage certificate." Nothing he says makes any sense to me. Why would he even do that? I can't think of a single rational reason why Valenci would help me.

"If this is only about your name, then we can get married and get an annulment right after. No one has to know." Valenci grabs my chin and tilts my head backward until I am forced to look him in the eyes.

" That's not going to happen, Rohm. There will be no annulment, no divorce, no nothing. This marriage will be as true as it gets. And you will be my wife in every way possible." He says placing a firm kiss on my forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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