Chapter Four

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Thrown into a moment of shock, I stand there, fisting my hands at my sides and staring at him. The corner of his lip quirks as he lets his gaze wander over my body.

Of course, he would enjoy seeing me at my lowest.

"Are you just going to stand there, or are you planning on giving me the dance I ordered?" The amusement swinging in his dark, sultry voice makes me shiver.

" Fuck you Vasilyev" I grind out between my clenched teeth.

"I might take you up on that offer later, but for now, a dance is enough"

"That's not going to happen" I stumble backward, bumping into something hard. When I look behind me, I see Ambrose standing right behind me, looking straight at Valenci.

"Is everything alright Pahkan?" Ambrose grabs my arm with his huge and clammy hands, holding me in place with a tight grip.

What the hell is Ambrose doing?

" I apologize for the inconvenience Pahkan, I'll have Ro sent home for the night and will get you another drink and girl immediately " I stare between the two men until a slow realization hits me.

Cherry said the boss had called for me, and Ambrose isn't acting like he's talking to a customer because he fucking isn't.

"You own this don't you?" I didn't think it was possible to fuck up the ultimate fuck up my life has already been, but I was wrong. Because that's just exactly what I did.

Instead of getting away as far as possible from my past and problems, I just ran straight further into my demise. And right into the arms of the man who hates my guts and whose family has taken everything from me.

Tears of anger and humiliation spring into my eyes clouding my vision as both men completely ignore me. I tried to yank myself from Ambrose's grasp, but he wasn't letting go.

"That won't be necessary Ambrose, Please show Rohm to my office"

" Yes, of course, Sir"

"I'm not going anywhere with you!!"

" Ro shut up and do as you're told" I try once again to free myself from Ambrose's grip, but his fingers only dug deeper into my skin. He spins me around and pushes me forward and out of the VIP section.

We walk up a flight of stairs into a part of the club I have never seen before. Ambrose guides me through a hallway, past doors, before stopping in front of a big red steel door.

"Can I at least put my fucking clothes on?" Instead, he opens the door and nudges me inside gently pushing his hands between my shoulder blades.

"Just wait here" Before closing the door behind me, he looks at me with pity in his gaze. I guess that's a no.

The office is small and furnished in the same style as the rest of the club. Dark woods with black fabrics and only little lighting.

It's a bit frightening, but that might be because of whom it belongs to. I can't believe I was this stupid. It didn't occur to me to look into who owns this damn club I work for. And, of course, it had to be them.

I know that they have their hands in numerous kinds of businesses, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised that strip clubs are among them.

It was stupid of me to think I could stay here without ever coming across the Vasilyevs ever again. The door opens behind me, and I already know what to expect when I turn around to face it.

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