Chapter 10

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After 2 Months,

Kartik Was Running On The Street. A Car Was About To Hit Him, But He Escaped And Finally Catched A Kite.

Sometimes Ago,

Kartik Was Playing With Akshu. Vansh And Krish Came There And Jumped.

Kartik:- Guys, Please Be Careful. Do You See, Akshu? Your Brothers Are Here. I Wonder If They Are Here To Have Sweets Or

Vansh:- To Fly Kites!

Kartik:- I See, To Fly Kites. You Think You're Very Cool?

Vansh:- We Are Cool.

Kartik:- Really. You're Cool? Who Else Is Cool?

Krish:- Kartik Mamu, You're Cool Too.

Kartik:- Exactly.

Kartik Patts Krish's Cheeks.

Kartik:- Where Is Kairav?

Krish:- He Is Coming.

Kartik:- What Do You Mean? Where Is He?

Vansh:- In The Washroom.

Kartik:- In The Washroom. Okay. You Guys Eat.

Vansh:- Did You Make It?

Kartik:- Of Course I Did.

Krish:- I'll Eat That Too.

Vansh:- No, Don't You Dare Take That. Don't You Dare! Stop!

Krish:- I Told You I'll Eat It.

Krish Was Chasing Vansh And Kartik Was Laughing At Them. Manish Comes There And Sees Akshu.

Manish:- Give Her To Me For A While, Beta.

Kartik:- No.

Manish:- We Both Have To Get Used To Each Other, Beta. Give Her To Me.

Kartik:- How Can You Say That? You Carry Her Often.

Manish:- For Five Minutes Only. For Five Minutes, When You Have To Go To The Bathroom. And You Come Back So Quickly. Please. Will You Give Her To Me Or Should I Send You To The Bathroom Like I Used To When You Were Little?

Kartik:- I've Freshened Up Already. I Went To The Bathroom Before Akshu Woke Up.

Manish:- You Have An Answer To Everything, Don't You? Beta, Don't Trouble Your Father. Give Her To Me. You'll Get Tired Carrying Her. Give Me.

Kartik:- A Father Never Gets Tired Carrying His Child. I Can Carry Akshu And Kairav With Both Hands.

Manish:- You Have An Answer To Everything. Give Her To Me.

Swarna Comes There Fake Coughing.

Swarna:- Manish Ji, Think Of A Different Way The Next Time. Because You Won't Get Akshu If You Use Your Old Excuses.

Manish:- I See. If You're Her Father. I'm Your Father.

Kartik Sees Swarna

Manish:- I'll Use Your Trick On You. When You Were A Child Wnd Wouldn't Get What You Want, You'd Wreak Havoc. I'll Do That Too. You'll See..

Kartik:- Forget About It, Papa. Carry These Things. Mumma Will Get Tired.

Swarna:- These Are For Surekha. Surekha!

Surekha Comes There. Swarna Goes And Gives The Things To Surekha.

Swarna:- You Wanted These From The Locker, Didn't You?

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