Chapter 4: The Uprising

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                        Jake was talking with stain when they heard a rumbling. They all turned and looked at the forest far in the distance. A Matilda II rode out of the forest and rode towards the paratroopers. "It's a Matilda! Get into positions!" He yelled and they all scrambled for cover. Jake peeked from his cover and looked at the Matilda. He saw a rebel and a waving a white t-shirt. "Wait! I think there surrendering." He called and the paratroopers calmed down slightly. Jake stood up from his cover and stain walked up to him. Then seconds after a jeep drove out at full speed and spun in a half circle and stoped right in front of Jake and Stain. Silent stood up in his seat and did a quick salute and waved for them to come closer. The man on the tank Jumped off and walked over towards them. Jake pulled out his gun and aimed it at the man. Silent grabbed his arm and shook his head. Jake nodded and holstered his gun and the man walked up to him. "Sergeant Jake reporting for duty sir!" He yelled and saluted and the rest of the rebels in the tank stood on it saluting. Then the paratroopers saluted as well. "Reporting for duty, sir!" Yelled one of the paratroopers. Jake smiled to himself and returned the salute to his new platoon.

                       Kyle introduced himself and the others to Jake and then got their plan ready. "First we need a few more jeeps for the rest of the paratroopers." Kyle said and handed stain a map. "This is where you can find the vehicles we need and some more supplies as well." he said and drew a circle around a rebel camp and stain and his men ran off into the woods. "While they're gone we can prepare the vehicles we have already." Kyle said and a group of technicians stepped up. "We're the right men for the job." One said and they all saluted and Kyle nodded and they went to work. One man pulled out a screw driver and a handful of screws and put them to the side. The he pulled out a big piece of metal that is to  connect the meal frame of the jeep to the machine gun. "Gun." Said one of the technicians and another tossed him the machine gun. Him and a few others held the gun to the piece of metal and another screwed it into place. After they finished they heard a rumbling in the distance. They turned to the woods and three jeeps came out and parked. Stain and his men jumped out and walked to Jake. "Here's a gift." He said and started to converse with Jake. The Rex h guys picked up their supplies and jogged over to the jeeps. Once they finished they all piled in and started to ride towards the smoke that billowed into the night sky.

                                   Rebels ran towards the fires at the communications towers. They threw buckets of water, sprayed their fire extinguishers and anything that would put out a fire even dirt and sand. They worked for a hour before they managed to put out the huge fire out. They sent in a man to check for any fires and how the fire started. the man walked towards the front door. He took a deep breath and walked in. The walls were burnt and charred and exposed wires sparked onto the ground.with his flash light and pistol in hand he walked into the barracks to check for any fires. There was no fires but what he saw made his heart stop and he tried not to puke. He looked at all the burnt bodies that lay in the barracks. He heard a cough from a man in the corner of the room. He ran over to the man and knelt down next to him. His face was burnt and he had his nose burnt off and his skull and bones showed because the skin and flesh were vaporized. "K-k-kill me m-man." He managed to say and the man knew why he wanted to die. "What's your name sir?" He asked him as he took a step back. He knew this man wouldn't be the same and the burnt man knew it as well. "Vinny." He choked out as he stood up and spread his arms and waited to die. "Thank you for your service Vinny. Your story will live on for generations." He said and ended his suffering with a bullet to the heart. The man thudded on the ground and his dead body had a smile of relief as he went to the next phase of life. "Thank you Mars." Vinny managed to say before he passed on to heaven. Mars sighed at having to take a life like that and he walked back into the halls. 

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