The 1st Day

743 8 6

Wordcount- 1092

T- Tim
SG- Sargent Grey

today was the first day of preprimary for Ellie. Tim woke up at 6:30 started to get ready for work when he started to hear things from Eillie's room. Tim went in their seeing her trying to get out of her crib. he still didn't have time to build her bed, but this was probably a sign to make time as soon as Tim walked through the doors, he heard Ellie.

E- daddy up up

T- morning Princess

as he was carrying her through the houses, he placed her on the couch to watch something while he made breakfast, but Ellie didn't like that, so she started to scream.


she was sobbing Tim knew it was going to be a hard day. he ended up having to have cereal for the 2 of them instead of pancakes and had to stay with Ellie all morning when it hit 7:50 Tim started to get his bag for work, Ellies bag, Ellie and the keys he strapped her in and put music on the way to Ellies school. They sung songs all the way to school. When they got their Tim had Ellie on his hip and her bag on the other shoulder. When they went to the classroom that was Ellies Lucy Introduced herself.

L-Hi Im Miss Chen Nice to Meet you What's your name *Looking at Ellie*

In responds she shyly says

E-Ellie... Ellie Bradford

T-I'm Tim Her Dad

L-nice to meet you.

T- Okay Ellie it's time to go.

in return Ellie starts to cry she loved her dad she was a daddy's girl since she was born

T- Ellie what's wrong sweety.

E- I DOnt WaNt yOu to leAve me. *Tighten her grip on Tims shirt*

T-Ellie Daddy has to go to work you can't come with me I'm sorry.

she cry's even more not wanting her dad to go. Lucy sees what is happening so she offer a hand.

L- May I *trying to help Tim out*

he responded with a nod.

L- Hey Ellie you know what we are going to do today we are painting, coloring in and we are having nap time how does that's sound then you can see daddy at the end of the day.

E- that sounds nice *slowly calming down and losing her grip on Tim*

L- Okay come on then *she opens her hands gesturing to Tim to hand her over and he does so* Say bye to daddy.

E-Bye Daddy

Tim leaves that was heart breaking for him, but he knows that she will have fun with Miss Chen she seems nice, and she seems to know how to calm kids down if he isn't losing she also is kind of hot. so, he arrives at the station not realizing the time he goes and changes then was about to walk into rollcall when all the officers in their coming flooding out.

SG- Bradford my office now

they walk into greys office.

SG- Any particular reason you are late today.

T- Im sorry sir Ellie had a hard morning and didn't realize the time.

SG- Okay I will let you off Bradford I can't imagine how you cope Iam always here if you need help.

T- Yes sir

SG- Today you are on desk duty just doing paperwork you can go now Bradford.

after leaving Sargent greys office he was walking to his office where he got stopped by his best friend Angela not that he would admit it to her face that they were best friends. she was wearing a detectivities uniform.


A- Thanks It took some time, but Iam glad I made it.

T- well Iam proud of you

A- What was that all about *her finger pointing in the direction of greys office*

T- just had to tell him why i was late and told me my assignment for today.

A- why were you late.

T- Because Ellie didn't want me to go but lucky I settled her down with some help and she went into the classroom with her teacher.

A- oh yeah let me guess you are on desk duty now.

T- Yep How's Jack this morning.

A- He was fine like usual got to go now Have a nice shift.

After their shifts were over at 2:40 Tim hoped in his car and went to pick up Ellie, There was so much traffic he was worried he would be late to pick her up in the end he was. when he eventually got there, he saw Ellie and Lucy talking out the front on the bench she was the last one to be picked up it seemed like she was crying but as soon as she saw Tim she started to scream of joy.

E-DADDY DADDY UP UP*putting her hands in the air indicating to pick her up as he did, he walked over to lucy*

T- How was she?

L- she was fine got a bit upset since you are running 10 minutes late but beside that she had a blast she made a whole lot of new classmates.
And has fun at lunch and recess with her friend jack

T- yeh Iam sorry about being Late wasn't planning on it but there were heaps traffic from work.

L- Where do you work?

T- Police Officer

*turns to Ellie* Ready to go baby

E- *Put a thumbs up* Bye Miss Chen

L-Well I will see you tomorrowEllie Bye

T- Bye

Lucy was loving their father daughter relationship. After lucy finished her work from the next day she went home had sushi for dinner them went to bed, but she was struggling to fall asleep. with Tim and Ellie, they decided to have pasta Ellie was babbling telling him about her day but some of it didn't make sense because she still has full developed all her words this was because she got Tim's trait of his learning differences. Tim tries to help her as much as he can . after getting Ellie to go for a bath then go to bed Tim went to his night routine and as soon as his head hit the pillow, he feels asleep he was so tired. back with lucy she came to the realization what her problem was she was falling for Tim Bradford.....

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