The date 🍷

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Word count: 1083
When Lucy got there she install saw Tim he looked so hot. She went up to him and started to talk to him
L- hey
T- hey how was ur talk with ur principle
L- all good he just said that i cant have favouritism
T- what do u drink
L- tequila
T- okay let me get theses drink
Tim comes back with the drinks
T- okay so tell me something about you
L- I have been a teacher for 2 years and I have a teachers degree and a physic degree *I didn't know which one she had * now you go
T- umm I have been a single dad since Ellie was born and never have been on a date since my wife left me
L- ohh yeah
After a few hours of chatting Tim put his hand on her thigh which Lucy liked And she blushed. They got really drunk and started to flirt hard. Also Tim has the next day off. They both end up having sex at Tim's houses and Tim wakes up to his 5am alarm but turn it off and goes back to bed then he wakes up at 9 in the morning again to banging on his door so he gets Lucy off him but makes sure not to wake her up and gets a robe on then opens to the door the Angela and Ellie.
A- you didn't answer any of my calls and I started to get worried so I came over to make sure you were okay
T- yeah all good I will take Ellie now
A- okay
Angela leaves and Tim take Ellie to her room and told her to play with her toys she was happy to did that. Tim took the baby moister so he can still see her will he goes back to Lucy and wakes her up by kissing her neck. She started to make a groan to indicate that she was waking up
T- Good morning beautiful
L- morning handsome
T- just a warning Ellie is here
L- okay... do u want me to go
T- no do you want to leave
L- no
T- okay what do u want for breakfast
L- Pancakes?
T- okay you better get some clothes on before Ellie sees you naked
As he was saying that Ellie walks in
E- Daddy why is Miss Chen in your bed
*as Lucy was making sure she was covered*
T- can I tell her
L- yes
T- I'm dating her
E- okay can I have pancakes for breackfast
T- yep let's go make them
He flys her through the air out  his room making Lucy giggle. She finds a robes and walk out Tim's room
E- Good morning miss Chen
L- Ellie you can call me Lucy it only when we aren't at school. And good morning to you to Ellie.
E- want to colour with me Lucy?
L- I would love to
They colour for a while in the living room till Tim came and told them that breakfast is ready and it was at the dinning table. They all ate breakfast and they decide to watch frozen and Tim's and Lucy cuddled then surpiseingly Ellie didn't go to curl into Tim she went to Lucy's and cuddled up with her Lucy returned it to. After watching frozen and Ellie singing along they watch 2 more movies 1 tim wasn't their for because he was making his daughter a toddler bed because of her fall and didn't want it to happen again. They had lunch and dinner then it was time for Ellie to go to bed and Lucy was going to leave after woulds or so she thought. Ellie also asked Lucy to read her book to bed so she did then once she left her room she turned it Tim saying.
L- I should probably go
L- your just as bad as Ellie with going to bed
T- I don't want you to go
L-Are u saying you want me to stay the night again
T- yes please I will give you sweat pants and a shirt if you want to sleep in that
L-iam not going to wear the sweat pants you should know that
T- we can't do that tonight Luce Ellie is here
L- okay iam sorry I made it awkward iam just going to go *grabbing her stuff to excused herself*
Tim has a mind of his own so he pulled her into him by her waist
And whispered in her ear
T- you don't have to wear sweatpants if you don't want to but Nothing else is going to happen okay ?
L- okay
They walk to his room and cuddle up and fall asleep. Lucy woke up in the middle of the night to hearing little footsteps and then she turned her head off Tim's chest and saw Ellie
L- *in a raspy voice* are u okay Ellie?
E- I had a bad dream
Lucy got up but Tim's shirt was long enough that it covered everything and she started to speak to Ellie
L- do u want to sleep with me and daddy?
E- Yes please
L- okay here I will help you up
They got in bed and Ellie cuddled up into Lucy and she kept brushing her hair u til she knew Ellie was asleep she didn't go to bed. Tim woke up in the Morning and was about to give Lucy a kiss but then realises there was a toddler body next to her so he decided to go make breakfast for his 2 favourite girls. Then after he made waffles and put some fruit on the side he bring the tray in and start to stroke Lucy's hair and she hummed telling him that she woke up
T- good morning gorgeous
L- morning
T- hey how did Ellie end up in our bed
L- she had a bad dream and I woke up to her coming in so I asked her if she wanted to sleep with us I hope that was okay
T- ofc it was sorry I didn't wake up I'm a deep sleeper
They woke Ellie up and Ellie decide to curl up into Lucy side so they just cuddled in Tim's bed for most of the day and watched movies
Jump a couple of weeks
They go to the park and are having a good time till they see ..... isabele

What If Tim Was A Single Dad & Lucy Is His Kids TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now