First appiontment

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Word count: 1660
Now it's Saturday the next week and it's the first appointment they have is today Lucy is so exited she decide to wake Tim up by jumping on the bed like a toddler.
T- Lucy it's *checks his phone* 6 in the morning
L- yeah but we need to get ready for our appointment it starts at 10
T- we have 4 hours
L- yeah but we need to go for a shower, get changed, Make breakfast, get Ellie ready and plus their is traffic
T- alright you have convinced me to  start getting ready want to come shower with me?
L- yes
They get themselves ready and find starts to make waffles pure Lucy's request and Lucy went into Ellie's room to wake her up
L- Ellie baby it's time to wake up
E- mama up *making grabby hands*
L- okay come on let's get you changed how was your sleep Ellie ?
E- good I had a dream
Ellie was talking to Lucy about her dream will Lucy did her hair in braids and put a cute floral dress on her.
L- of u like it Ellie ?
E- I love it thank you mummy
L- okay now breakfast time
Ellie wasn't a messy eater so they could get her ready before breakfast
After they had breakfast theywere getting in the car but Ellie didn't want to get in her car seat because she wanted her mummy
L- Ellie please it's only 5 minutes and then I can carry you okay
E- no no no I want you now mommy
Usually Lucy was very good with cleaning Ellie down but today was difficult all she wanted was Lucy and won't stop asking
L- okay how about this after we see the baby we can do whatever you want
E- really
Ellie said as she was calming down but still crying
L- yes baby but for that we need to to be the big strong girl you are and get in your car seat so we can see the bay okay?
E- okay
They drove to the hospital and when they got their Ellie was on Lucy's hip. when they got inside they were just in time for the doctor to have said
D- Lucy Chen
L- here
D- okay please come this way
When they got their the doctor asked
D- please lay down here
Lucy passed Ellie to Tim but that resulted in her screaming because she wanted Lucy
L- Ellie remember our agreement
E- okay but can we go to the beach after and swim plweases
L- yeah but you have to be a good girl
E- okay
The doctor checked everything and everything was good with the baby. They were 4 weeks pregnant. They went into the car it was a struggle but they did it. When they go in Ellie room Lucy asked Ellie
L-what swimsuit do u want to wear baby
E- this one *pointing to one with cherries on it and with frills*
L- okay
They all got dressed into bathers and put clothes in a bag to change into after and put sunscreen on.
Lucy's bathers *just don't look at the middle part*

 What Tim was wearing and I couldn't find any cute kid that's why I described Ellie's

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What Tim was wearing and I couldn't find any cute kid that's why I described Ellie's

They went to the beach and they had such a good time at first Tim would not get in the water so Ellie and Lucy begged himE- dadddy plweases come with usL- come on babe it will be fun I promisesT- fine They had fun splashing in the waterThey get ou...

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They went to the beach and they had such a good time at first Tim would not get in the water so Ellie and Lucy begged him
E- dadddy plweases come with us
L- come on babe it will be fun I promises
T- fine
They had fun splashing in the water
They get out when the sun is starting to set and they go the car get the clothes and get changed in the toilets will Lucy is getting Ellie changed ellie asks Lucy
E- mummy
L- yes bubba
E-will you love the baby more than me
Lucy was stunned at the question obviously she knew that Ellie knew she wasn't her biological mum but she was her daughter blood or not. Lucy was just finished getting her changed so she put her on the toilet the seat is down and crunched down and said
L- why would you ask I'm going to always love you and the baby but doesn't mean I'm going to love the baby more than you.
E- people have been pick at school *she couldn't form a proper sentence because she did want to loses Lucy*
L- who was it
E- Lucas
L- okay we will sort that out later but you know I will always love you the same way as this baby okay
E- okay
Then Ellie gave Lucy a hug Lucy got changed and went to the car
T-ready to go
L- yep
Lucy got Ellie in the car
T- you okay
L- yeah
T- what's up
L- we will talk about it later
Tim ask Ellie
T- Ellie bear what do you want for lunch?
E- food truck
T- okay food truck it is are you okay with that babe?
L- yeah
They went to the food truck and all got taco then went home. Lucy asked Ellie
L- bubba what do you want to do?
E- umm... can we have a movie night and get snack and cuddle and watch frozen
L- yep sure we can
She turned to Tim and said
L- I'm going to the shops for snacks what do you want
T- I don't mind
Lucy walked to Tamara's room and said
L- hey how is your day
Ta- stressful I have been having exam prep
L- ok to relive some of that stress want to have a movie night with us
Ta- omg yes please
L- iam going to the shops what do you want?
Ta- can I have skittles and clouds
L- sure we will watch them in like half hours so I will come get you when it is ready okay?
Ta- okay
Lucy walking back to the leaving room where she sees Tim and Ellie colouring in
L- okay iam going tot hr shops now love you too bye
She kissed Tim and was about to kiss Ellie but Ellie turned around and said
E- mama can I come
L- sure baby I will be back babe soon love you
T- love you too drive safe
Will Lucy and Ellie went to the shops Tim got all the blankets and made the couch into 1 big bed and heaps of blankets and stuff was on it. Meanwhile will Lucy and Ellie were at the shops this guy came up to Lucy *ellie was on Lucy hip btw*
Random Guy- Rg
Rg- hey their pretty
L- sorry iam not interested
Rg- iam sure you are
He said that as he was going to hold Lucy's face but then all of a sudden Ellie slaps his hand and says
E- my mummy back off
Rg- ohh iam sorry
He says as he was running off Lucy was during of laughter
L- did your dad teach you that
E- yep
L- okay let's go get the snack
they also decide to get matching pjs for the 4 of them plaid pants with black tank top and Tim got a normal shirt. They check out then left . When they were coming in the garage Tim got off his phone and went to help.
T- hey baby
L- hey
T- how was the shops
L- good our daughter did something hilarious
T- what did she do know
As Lucy was getting Ellie out she told Tim what happened and got all the bags out. Tim turned to elllie and gave her a high five as well as saying
T- good girl
T- yeah time for bing watching movies
L- also i got us matching pjs
Ta - can I have them to put on
L- yes here you go *she passes them to her* Ellie let's go get you changed.
T- okay I'm going to change to
L- wait your actually going to wear them
T- yeah why?
L- I just thought you would wear it that's all
After Lucy got Ellie changed Ellie asked
E- mummy braids plweases
L- okay I can do them but how about if o them will we watch the movie?
E- okay
L- okay now mummy need to change
She changed and they all lay on the couch. Lucy sat up next to Ellie then Tamra was next to Ellie and Tim was on the other side. They all cuddled up and the first movie they watched bed but before it started Lucy asked Ellie
L -bubba still want braids
E- yes please mummy
Lucy at Ellie on her lap and braid her hair and once she was finished she laid back and Ellie turned around and hug her will saying
E- thank you mummy
L- all good hunny
Tamra and Ellie end up falling asleep  during the start of the 2rd movie and decide to let me have a nap but to move them to their room after they did that they went back to the couch bed and Tim said
T-what was making u upset earlier
L- *explain what happened in the bathroom at the beach* she started to cry
T- ohh I'm sorry baby. Why don't we order dinner and when it here we will wake the girls up
Lucy nodded yes
T- okay what do you want
L- jappenses
T- baby you know you can't have sushi it's bad for the baby
L- dam it I forgot
T-what about if we have noddles
L- yeah let's have that
They order noddles and had them with the other girls too and put them back to bed after shower etc and cuddled up in bed then fell asleep

Authors notes: sorry I was getting lazy towards the end it's not that good of a chapter

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