Seeing an ex

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Word count:1356
Ellie got connected to Lucy pretty fast when they were at the park Tim was pushing Ellie on the swing and Lucy was pushing herself on the swing until they stopped to get off and go on something else but Ellie did something that caught everyone off guard.
E- Mama *she was making grabby hands towards Lucy*
L- ummmm
Lucy looked at Tim and didn't know what to do so she picked her up and whispered in Tim's ear
L- we need to talk about this later
Tim didn't know what to expect he was scared that she was going to breakup with him when all of a sudden he is a familiar face. Isabelle. Tim said to Lucy
T- can u take here in the car please I will be their in a minute here are the keys
L- okay
Tim was going up to Isabelle to speak to her
T- Hi Isabelle how are u
I- hi Tim I'm good how about you
T- good
I-I'm sober now and I actually wanted to see u and say I'm sorry for all the stuff i did to you and Ellie I didn't mean tot abandon her I was going to text you to meet up how is Ellie
T- thank you Isabelle I really appreciate it Ellie is wonderful just start pre school the other day
I-that's so good Tim thank you for taking care of her but now I have to go bye
T- bye
Tim thought it was weird that's She didn't ask to see their daughter. But then Tim got in the car. And started to speak
T- that was my ex-wife
L- are u okay
T- yeah she is sober now I'm happy for her. She did heavy drugs
L- that's good why don't we go to yours and speak
T- yeah we need to *Turns to Ellie* ready to go baby
E- yes
Tim turned the car on and put his left hand of Lucy's thigh and started to drive he did pit his hand on Lucy's thigh whenever he could. When they got home Tim told Ellie after getting out the car to go play in he backyard
T- hey Baby want to go play out back on the swing set
E- Yeah
She ran out the back and start to play will Tim and Lucy sat out the back to watch Ellie and they cuddling up and talking about what happened today.
L- I don't know what to say to Ellie when she called me mama im sorry I didn't say anything
T- it's okay it's not your fault you were in shock
L- yeah but I should have corrected her
T- it's okay you do not need to what do u think about her calling you that
L- I don't know I kind of liked it but I didn't want to over Step because I'm not her biological mum
T- if you want her to call you that then that's okay with me but if you don't want her calling you that during class time so she might have to change classes which I'm happy with if you are.
L-I'm happy to change her classes wait so u want her to call me mum?
T- yes u have Been here more than her biological mum
L- soo what do u want for dinner?
T- Mabey japnesses?
L- yes I could go for that why don't we order it now and put it up later?
T- yeah what's do u want let me guess sushi
L- yeah please babe
T- okay ELLIE
E- Yes daddy
T- Do u want noddles or sushi for dinner
E- what is mummy having
L-I'm having sushi
E- can I get sushi
T- okay you can go back to playing now
E- Mummy come play with me *she said as she was try to drag Lucy bye the arm*
L- okay
They play and Tim goes over and kisses both of their foreheads and said
T- I'm going to pick up dinner I will be back in a sec
L- okay
Lucy and Ellie play till Lucy hears the door opens and she picks up Ellie and walked to the kitchen and put her in her high chair.
L- hey babe all good
T- yeah
As soon as Lucy smells the foood she wants to vomit she doesn't know why but she runs to the toilet and vomits she felt fine all day. Tim ran after her and held her hair.
T- what wrong
L- i don't
She got interrupted by vomiting again
Lucy thoughts wait have I had a period shit I haven't had this month and last time me and Tim had sex we didn't have a condom on. Shit.
L- okay I'm okay now let's go eat dinner
T- u sure your okay
L- yeah but I need to run to the shops for something
T- why don't we all go
L- I can go by myself
T- you sure
L- yeah
Lucy went to the shops after dinner and got a pregnancy test. She went toilet after getting home and the pregnancy test was positive she didn't know what to do. She decided to that she was going to make a box like this

 She decided to that she was going to make a box like this

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She bought that and said it was coming in 2 days.
TIME JUMP 2 days later Lucy hasn't been vomiting and when she has she Hid it from Tim it was Saturday and Lucy had the day off so she looked after Ellie
E- mama park
L- you want to go to the park
E- yes
L- okay baby
She gets there water bottles ready and Ellie bike the Lucy can push if she gets tired then she takes Ellie to the park. After a couple hours they walk home. And it's was around lunch time
E- mama see daddy
L- you want to see daddy?
L- okay let's go and see daddy
They drove to the food truck in Lucy's car she had a car seat installed already *she knew where the food truck was because they already have had dinner there before and Tim mentions that he has lunch here every day on shift*. When they got their Lucy put Ellie on her hip but as soon as Ellie sees her dad she turns to Lucy and say
E- mummy down
Lucy puts her down and sees her running over to Tim. She walks over to Tim and see other people with him. Tim introduces everyone to Lucy.
T- what brings you too here
L- Well miss Ellie wanted to see you
T- oh yeah also do you want to go out after my shift with everyone to a bar I will get a babysitter for Ellie
*Ellie count hear then as she was talking to her aunty Angela*
L- umm... yeah that will be fun then I can actually have a conversation with your friends.
T- okay
L- your coming home first right
T- yeah I need to get changed
L- okay
T- see you after shift
*he kisses her and Ellie's head who was know on Lucy's lap*
L- Ellie want to go home or stay for a little longer
E- can we still a longer mummy
L- yeah we can
A- you really suit being a mum Lucy
L- sorry I forgot your name what was it again
A- Angela
L- sorry iam just not very good with names are you going with me and everyone out?
A- yeah
A- I feel like you have a secret
L- ummmm *starts to stress* okay I'm only telling you this *they are at the table alone* I'm pregnant and I'm telling Tim tonight
A- omg congrats
L- thanks
E- what does pregnant mean
L- ummm
A- ummm
L- might as well tell her there is a baby in mummy's belly but we can tell daddy yet okay baby?
E-okay secrete is safe with me
Ellie vocabulary has been doing very well with Lucy being there most of the time.

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