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Word count: 1157
A couple weeks later Ellie is still being really attached to Lucy and know one knows why but she was 4 months pregnant and she felt so fat she had a regular size to pop the baby out but she had 2 baby's to pop so only meant she was going to be bigger. Lucy and Tamra have gotten closer Tamra thinks of Lucy and Tim and her parents but one morning Lucy goes into tams room wakes her up and Tamra went to the bathroom that when she screamed for Lucy
L- what is it honey
Ta- iam bleeding from down their iam scared
L- have this never happened before
Ta- no
L- okay so it's called a period it happened about every months for a week and what happened you are shedding from down their and blood comes out so we have a few things that can caught it like pads and tampons pads you stick on your underwear and tampons you insert
For your first time I think pads
Ta- okay yeah can I please get pads
L- yep I will be right back
Lucy was walking through the kitchen to her and Tim's bedroom  But Tim asks
T- what's wrong with Tamra
L- I will tell you later
Lucy wanted to ask Tamra if she felt comfortable telling Tim because she didn't want to tell him then for Tamra for that not wanting to happen. Lucy got the pads for the bathroom and gave them Tamra and showed her how to use them and told her
L- you just need to change it every 3-4 hours okay ?
Ta- yeha thank you so much for your help
Tamra gives her a hug
Ta- ahhhhhh
L- what wrong
Ta- my stomach hurts
L- ohhhh that will be cramps
Ta- is their anything I can do to help them
L- medication and heat pack how about we try heat pack if that doesn't work medicine
Ta- yeha please
They both walk to Lucy's room and get the heat pack then warm it up. Tim was finishing off for breakfast when he said
T- breakfast is ready
Tamra and Lucy walked around the kitchen bench to put the heat pack in the microwave and to collect their brecakfast Lucy said to Tim
L- want me to get Ellie
T- yes please babe
Okay Lucy walks into Ellie room surprisingly last night they got her in her own bed. Lucy started to shake Ellie and said
L- bubba time to wake up
E- mama up
L- hey baby did you have a good sleep
She was carrying her on her hip and walking going to the kitchen at this point
E- good I missed you mummy
L- I miss you to Ellie
They all sit down for breakfast and they all had a day of so they decide to have a day at home mostly so Tamra would be comfortable because it was her first period. After break fast Lucy pillled Tamra to a side and asked
L- I just wanted to ask do you want to tell Tim or me too
Ta- you can tell him if you want
They walk back and Tamra said to Tim
Ta - Timothy
She knew when she called him that it annoyed him so she did it
T- that's not my name Tamra
Ta- ohh when then of we are being like that you don't get to know
She said as she was walking away
T- wait I'm sorry what were you going to tell me
Tamra turns around and said
Ta- I got my period for the first time
T- omg Tamra that's amazing
Ta- doesn't feel amazing
T- well how about to make you feel better we have a movie day I know you love them
Ta- yeah I do
T- iam going to go to the station real quick grey called just wanted to check something will only be out for 20 then I will see everything up okay?
Ta- okay bye
L- okay bye babe
She also kissed him
E- daddy
T- yes baby
E- can I come with you
T- if you want to you don't have to
E- I want to daddy up up
Tim picked her up and said his last goodbye and was on his way to the shops he lied about the station he wanted to he Tamra and Lucy a basket Lucy because she always wants a basket full of snacks and pjs and Tamra because of her period when we got their I got out and then got Ellie got a shopping trolley and put Ellie in the little seat
E- daddy this isn't the station
T- I know bubba but I'm going to get something for Tamra and mummy but don't tell them okay
E- okay daddy
Tim was walking through the aisles and they found the chocolate Aisle they were picked up all of Ellie's and Tamra and Lucy favourite snack Tim didn't meet Ellie to feel left out. When they were on their way to the check out they bumped it to a random women but Tim installs apologised
T- iam sorry I didn't see you their
Rw- it's okay iam sorry too but can I have your number
T- sorry iam not interested
Rw- sure you are
She puts her hand on Tim's chest
Ellie installs pulls it off
Rw- hey
E- I have a mummy and she will breach all your bones so I suggest you leave us alone
The random women left them alone and Tim was just laughing they payed and got out their and was singing till they got home and before going inside Tim made sure everything was perfect in their baskets. Tim got Ellie put the car and held her hand then got the 2 baskets and 2 bags out the car and walked through to see Tamara and Lucy are laying on the couch moved they made it. When they heard the door unlocked they both came to the door and Tim put everything ebbing his back and said
T- closes your eyes
They closed their eyes and Tim put it in the hands and said
T- open
They opened their eyes and installs said
Ta- thank you Tim this is really nice of you
T- no worry's kiddo
Lucy was crying because of how kind the gesture was and because she was very hormonal. Tim relaxed and said
T- baby what wrong
L- this was really nice of you
She said in between sobs
T- ohh baby come here
He hug her will Tamra and Ellie go to the lounge and Tim said
T- why don't we cuddle and watch a movie
L- okay
They ended up watching movie all day and as promised Tim and Lucy cuddle will Ellie and Tamara do and they helped Tamara all through the week to help her
Should I continued this series's?

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