Mesaage and adoption

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Word count: 1377
Time speed to 2 months away from Lucy giving birth
Tim noticed that Lucy was acting different like her attitude amd stuff people would just say it pregnancies but Tim saw Lucy preganicie this wasn't it it was something different he was determined to find out what it was the got home after a long week they got inside.
T- hey baby what do u want to have for dinner
L- i don't care I'm not hungry
T- Ellie can you go to your room please
E- okay daddy
T- Lucy you need to eat it's not an option the baby won't survive
L- you don't get it
T- what don't I get Lucy
L- nothing just forgot about it iam going to bed
T- Lucy *bedroom door closes*
Tim walks to their rooom
T- babe I really want to understand please tell me
L- message
T- from who
T- Lucy who
L- my mum
T- what did she say
Lucy grab her phone and shows Tim the messages and it says
Lm - I can't believe you didn't tell your own mother your pregnant iam going to disown you anways you are such a disappointment and once you have that baby you will still be fat you always have and always will be go to the gym and I bet that husband of yours is going to divorce you because of how ugly you are.
Real life
T- baby you know no of that's true
L- yes it is a am fat Tim look at me
Tim lifts Lucy's chin up
T- Lucy none of it is true the fat part might be but you know why because your pregnant and even if you weren't I wouldn't care because you are the most beautiful soul I have meet Lucy Chen
L- I can't wait to get that changed
T- what changed ?
L- my last name
T- what to Lucy Bradford
L- yes I can't iam so exited wait is that okay if I change my last name to your I didn't even check sorry
T- Lucy it's okay I Actually would really like your last name  to change to Bradford
L- really
T- yes my love
L- now where is my baby
T- which one
L- Ellie
T- her room
L- I'm going to go get her and cuddle onto the couch will watching something
T- with out me
L- you can come if you want babe but first can you go for a shower so then we get them over and done with and plus you stink
*she said as a joke*
T- iam going to go now babe
He said as he laughed
They finished off their night with a couple of movies and take out. After giving Ellie a bath and putting her to bed they were laying in bed when Tim brung up
T- what would you think to adopting Ellie and Tamara
L- I would love to
T- me too their is so many plus like if anything ever happened to me she wouldn't go back to her bio mum she would go to you and that way I know she is safe and with Tamara I know she feels safe with us and she would officially be apart of our family
L- that does sound nice I would like to make it offical
T- really
L- of course I would I love her just as much as I love these babies same for tam
They went to bed a couple hours later their a foot steps echoing throw the houses then their door open and those little foot steps went over to Lucy's side and taped her on the shoulder Tim was hugging Lucy from which so she was on her side since of the pregnancy Lucy has been sleep on her side because it make her feel better. Lucy wakes up to the tapping and sees Ellie
E- mummy
L- yes baby what's wrong
E- bad dream
Lucy opened her arm and said
L- come here baby
Ellie climbed into their bed and cuddled up with Lucy. They both went to bed. In the morning tim woke up first and start to cuddled more into Lucy but then he felt a toddler body next to her he knew Ellie came in again. He kissed Lucy's shoulder and started to get ready for work. He had worked but Lucy didn't he donated breackfast and knew he had to wake Ellie up to get ready so he went in his and Lucy's room slowly got Ellie out of Lucy's arms not to wake her and succeed he also didn't get Ellie up which would probably be for the best so she didn't wake Lucy up but they wasn't the best to do as soon as she got out of Lucy's arm it's like she can sense it as soon as she got out she cried Tim quickly got out the room and tryed to call Ellie down he asked
T- Ellie baby what's wrong
E- mama I want mama
T- Ellie you can't have her she sleeping
E- I want mummy
She cried really loud so Lucy woke up and she got out of bed knowing what was happening and and went into the kitchen while rubbing her eye she said
L- pass her over
To Ellie
L- iam her now it's okay
To Tim
L- what do we do
She cotinoued to cry even with Lucy their
T- I have no clue what do u reckon
L- If she can't even go without 2 minutes without me how do you think the school day is going to go
T- I have no idea I think just let her have a day off
L- you sure babe
T- yeah I don't think she will even survive to the car iam going to go to work
L- okay babe love you have a good day at work
She kisses him
T- you too good luck
After about 20 minutes of bouncing holding everything Lucy could think of Ellie finally calms down Lucy was so thankful she is so tired from everything that has been happening. She said to Ellie
L- baby you want to have some breakfast then we can go back to bed yes ?
E- yes please mummy just please don't put me down
L- what do u want for breakfast
E- pancakes
L- how about I put u in ur highchair but you will be right next to me okay just don't want you near the hot stove
E- okay mummy
After she put her in her highcagir and start to make the pancakes she start to talk to Ellie
L- baby can I ask you a question
E- what's up mama
L- what happned why do you always want to be near me
E- because of the kids at school
L- baby what did they say
E- I was telling them about you being pregnant and they said that you will love the baby more than me because iam not your biological kid
L- baby you know that not true I love you so much as much as I love the babies in my stomach
E- really
L- yes
After hey had break they spent the day together doing girly thing like their nails then went out shopping and stuff like that Tim comes home and says
T- hey baby how was your day
E- daddy it was good I loved hang out with mummy we did so much we went shopping too
T- really babe I didn't see a credit card charge did you use yours
SHe didn't get a respond he looked down at the couch and saw that she was asleep
T- how long has mummy been asleep for baby
E- a couple of minutes
T- how about me and you make a special dinner for mummy
E- yeah
T- what do you want for dinner baby
E- Mabey lasagna
T- good chose it mama favourite let make it
They make it and Lucy love it how they made dinner and everything they had a good night and for once Ellie didn't have any bad dream and sleeper in her own bed by herself

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