Appioment and movie day

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Word count:1027
Authors notes: I will be posting like 2 parts every day because I'm currently sick so I'm off school.
Also anyone know here I can watch the rookie season 6 because if Nat watch it on Hulu or abc because I don't have them

Big Time jump (Lucy is now 2 months into her pregnacy)
Today they had an appioment so they were going to go late to work. They got Ellie ready and had breakfast and was out the door first they went to the hospital and checked everything was okay with the baby and they put the gender in a envelope so they can have a gender table party but then they find out they actually having twins. Lucy started to cry she didn't know what to do. Tim knew she hated to cry informs of people so they left and when they got to Lucy's car (they took separate cars so then when they go to work they don't need to pick the other up)and held her and everything he also made sure that Ellie was sitting in her car seat but she wasn't strapped in. Tim turns to Lucy and said
T- you have the day off don't you
L- yeah we can't take half days
T- okay I will be back in 2 secs
Tim stepped away only so Lucy wouldn't be able to hear him he called grey and said
T- hey grey just wondering if I can take the day off Lucy is stressed though me being their night help
G- ofc take care of your girl Tim
T- thank you so much sir bye
The call ended and he goes back over to Lucy's and lifts her up and goes to his car and put her down then he went to get Ellie and strap her in his car seat.
T- strap in babe please
Lucy strapped in. Tim turned to Ellie and said
T- do you want to come home with mummy and me or go to school
E- mummy and you
T- okay
They drive home obviously Tim is holding Lucy's hand and supporting her. When they got home Lucy got out of the car and walked to the door and Tim got Ellie out and sat her on his hip he locked the car unlocked the front door and asked Ellie
T- want to have a movie day?
T- okay i will get everything set up. Babe you want to get changed into to some pjs
L- I will *she said in a quiet voice she was thinking a lot about how she thinks she will be a bad mum*
T- do u want me to get Ellie dressed or can u
L- I willl
Lucy got dressed and came back to the living room and told Ellie
L- come on bubba
Lucy picked her up and on her hip and walked to her room and put her in some cute pjs will doing that Ellie asked
E- what's wrong mummy
L- mouthing baby
E- okay
Ellie started to talk about how she was so exited be a big sister.
L- now your all dressed do you need to go potty?
E - Yep
Lucy- okay come on
Lucy held her hand out but Ellie said
E- mummy up
L- okay come on
She lifted her Again on her hip. Ellie went roller then Lucy did they went back down stairs to see Tim in his pjs with food on the code table and the couch was turned into a bed. They watched movies Ellie was cuddling into Lucy's and Tim was cuddly if Lucy and Ellie Ellie was in the middle if that's makes any sense. They watch 1 movie and towards the end Ellie and Tim started to hear little snores it was Lucy she was sleeping. Tim let her sleep knowing she needed it. Lucy woke up when they started to watch the 2nd frozen movie. It was around lunch time so Tim asked
T- what do we want for lunch?
L- idm
E- can we have cabenara
L- omg yes can we please
T- I don't think we have any here out I will run out and get some okay ?
L- okay love you babe drive safe
T- bye my love I will
Tim kisses Lucy and Ellie on the head will he is gone Lucy was just laying their with Ellie till she fells some kick her. The babble kicked her Lucy turned to Ellie and said
L- want to feel something cool bubba
E- yeah
L- here give me your hand
She gives her hand to Lucy and Lucy put it were the baby was kicking and Ellie said
E- what was that
L- the baby
E- little sister
L - we don't know yet baby
E- I can't wait o be a big sister
L- me too kid
E- mummy can we go play out the backyard
L- sure come on
Ellie put her hands up and said
E- up
L- okay why do you want me to carry you everywhere
E- because I love you and want you
L- okay let's go
Lucy carry's Ellie out the back and they end up playing in the sand pit with Ellie on Lucy's lap. Lucy here's the front door open and she thought it was Tim til Tamra came outside and said
Ta- hey how are you guys
L- good Tim just ran out to the shops to get some food for cabenara
Ta- okay
L- how was school
Ta- okay *Tamra is 15* how was your appointment
L- a okay we found out we are having twins and the gender
Ta- what the end and omg your having twins I can't wait
L- we don't know it we have an envelope with the gender in it but I want to do something special
Ta- do you want me to plan a. Gender reavel
L- no that's to much pressure with school to
Ta- no I insist I will ask for help from Angela I know her pretty well
L- okay thank you T

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