Chapter 1

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Pardon me for my spelling or grammatical mistakes

They also achieved a big victory at the national level. After a long match, the ZGDX team quickly returned to headquarters after a dinner, group photos and conference with the media. Those who were expected to continue the party preferred to rest at headquarters. At 4 am Tong Yao felt something different on her right side, after she opened her eyes with difficulty, she realized Lu Sicheng was beside her.

"Since when is  captain  here?" Tong Yao asked and hugged Lu Sicheng's body, Tong Yao seemed to be swallowed by the hug. "Go to sleep... I want to celebrate the victory this way" Lu Sicheng kissed Tong Yao's forehead and they continued sleeping.

That day everyone woke up at 1 pm except Tong Yao, who had been up since 9 am. Tong Yao patiently waited for the other teams to come down and join in the living room.

Tong Yao preferred live streaming with his fans. Everyone congratulates on ZGDX's big win.

'Where's Cheng Ge? Where are the others, sis?'

Everyone is still resting, we came home very late at night" G

'Come on, wake up bro..'

"No, just leave it alone, I'll just answer questions that aren't blasphemous, okay? Thank you for your words. I've received a lot of gifts coming to the headquarters. This is already a lot. You should just save up and give us your enthusiastic support."

Tong Yao moved her camera to the living room, "Look at the many gifts you sent, I don't even have anything to do, I separated them for Cheng Ge, Brother Lao and of course for myself."

Tong Yao stopped streaming before lunch, she had received a lot of gifts. Tong Yao didn't even need to order lunch, the food given by the fans was so much.

"Cheng Ge..." Tong Yao woke up Lu Sicheng who was sleeping soundly in his room. Lu Sicheng did not give any response. Tong Yao woke him up again gently, then he dared to kiss Lu Si cheng's cheek, Lu Si cheng's eyes quickly opened wide and he hugged Tong Yao tightly.

"Wake up... let's take a shower, there are lots of gifts under there, this is what it's like to be a courier," said Tong Yao. "Did you open the gift?" Lu Sicheng asked.
"No..." Tong Yao remembered that she wasn't allowed to open gifts from fans since the incident where her hand was cut by a razor blade.

Not long after, Tong Yao waited for them all downstairs and Xu Rui came and woke up his team with Toa. "BAANGGUUNNNN....." Xu Rui shouted in a toa from downstairs. It took 40 minutes for everything to come down.

They were amazed by the gifts they received, then Xu Rui asked them to live stream and open the gifts, as a sign of thanks to the fans.

'why isn't Smiling opening the presents?' asked one fan

"No... Smiling only cleans and separates it, the rest is our job," answered Cheng Ge. It took 3 hours to open all the gifts and clean them. "Wow, I'm full," said Xiao Pang. "I've never gotten this many gifts..." Tong Yao was very excited and was still holding a box of gifts from fans. "Every month I will give you lots of gifts, more than this," said Lu Sicheng. "Lu Sicheng...what are you need, don't make it seem like you only want your money" and Tong Yao pouted, then was quickly greeted with a sweet kiss by Lu Sicheng. "Don't forget that tonight, Tong Yao, dress up beautifully, the party tonight will be very lively," said Xu Rui

"What party?" Tong Yao asked. "The party celebrating our victory will be held at a luxury hotel," added Lao K. "I-I don't have party clothes... what time is it, why didn't anyone tell me?" Tong Yao said. "Oh Miss... so what?" Lao Mao asked. "I need to look for clothes, I don't have anything for an event like that... aahh Jinyang" Instantly Jinyang came to the headquarters. "Hi, I want to pick up Tong Yao, I know my sister doesn't know what she's going to wear to the party, I'll take her back later," said Jinyang and immediately grabbed Tong Yao.

"Wait a minute... take this, use this..." said Lu Sicheng handing over a black magic card. "Lu Sicheng... I have money to buy clothes and go to the salon," said Tong Yao.

"Okay, I will definitely use the best for him" Jinyang quickly took the card and left the men.

Yep, Jinyang took advantage of the card Lu Sicheng gave him to make Tong Yao as beautiful as possible. She looks very beautiful in a knee-length dress and makeup that is not too flashy, then her beautiful hairdo makes Tong Yao very cute. "The chairman of ZGDX must thank me, let's use this," said Jinyang, giving him shoes with 7 cm heels. "This... is too high..." Tong Yao said. "There's Cheng Ge who will hold you" Jinyang answered with a wink.

"Where's Tong Yao?" asked Lao Mao who couldn't wait to go to the party. "No one should stop me from drinking this time," said Lao Mao again and hugged his friends Lao K and Xioa Pang.

Then the sound of a car was heard, they knew it was Tong Yao who had come. Tong Yao came in wearing a feminine jacket full of fur that Jinyang bought her to cover up her appearance today, and she had a little difficulty walking in high shoes. In fact, the jacket was very beautiful to cover Tong Yao's appearance complete with the hat. "waaahhh... Tong Yao, you are so beautiful,
take off your jacket and head covering" Lao Mao, who was about to step forward to remove Tong Yao's head covering, was blocked by Lao K. "friend... you don't understand, Tong Yao is like this for our Chairman, Do you want to stay in your room and not attend the party?!"

Meanwhile Tong Yao and Lu Sicheng stared at each other, they were stunned by each other's appearance. Tong Yao was amazed to see Lu Sicheng's dashing appearance in that black suit, meanwhile Lu Sicheng moved forward to remove Tong Yao's head covering. "No, it will be opened the hotel, okay, I'll go first" and Jinyang came in and handed the black card into Tong Yao's hand. "Okay... let's go, Cheng, are you staying in your own car?" asked God Ming. "Yeah... you guys go first," said Lu Sicheng.

"Come on..." Lu Sicheng took Tong Yao's hand to take her away." Cheng Ge... this is your card, I don't know how much Jinyang spent on this," Tong Yao said shyly and handed him the card. "Hold it..." Lu Sicheng said.
"no, I do not want..". Tong Yao insisted. "Okay, okay..."

Then they headed to the hotel where the victory party was held. They also invited other teams to this activity. Then Lu Sicheng was fascinated when Tong Yao opened the white jacket, Tong Yao was so cute, Lu Sicheng couldn't help himself, then kissed Tong Yao's lips gently. "I don't want to ruin this... come on," said Lu Sicheng breaking the kiss. The other ZGDX teams were also impressed by Tong Yao's performance tonight. Even Lu Sicheng became very protective, he didn't allow Tong Yao to take photos together with other teams, especially with Dewa Yang, Tong Yao's ex-boyfriend who was trying to get a photo together with Tong Yao. Lu Sicheng only allowed it if it was a group photo. This was seen directly by Lu Sicheng's mother, Director Wang.

"After this, come with me for a moment..." said Director Wang looking at Tong Yao. "What do you want to talk about?" Lu Sicheng answered harshly, Tong Yao quickly pinched Lu Sicheng's arm a little, "talk carefully to your mother" whispered Tong Yao which was heard by Director Wang. "Tong Yao, come... You stay here," the Director ordered his son. "Sis, where are you taking Tong Yao?" Lu Yue asked. "shut up!!" Lu Sicheng could only watch as his mother took the woman he loved away.

"Tong Yao, do you really love my son?" asked Director

Wang sitting on a large sofa. In the room there were only

the two of them. "Y-Yeah..." Tong Yao was very afraid of

facing Lu Sicheng's mother. "He's my stubborn son..."

for some reason, Director Wang suddenly became softer,

"Hey, sit here, don't stand like I'm judging you," said

Director Wang, pulling Tong Yao's hand and they sat down very close. "Is this the girl our son chose?" Suddenly a man with a sturdy body came into the room, Tong Yao had a feeling he was Lu Sicheng's father. "Be sweet, it will be easier for me to have a daughter like Tong Yao" and Tong Yao didn't expect that sentence to
come out of Director Wang's mouth.

Hope you all like it ☺️
I'll try to update everyday or in 1-2 days

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