Chapter 14

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They went down for dinner . Everyone was already at the table while Fatty was (felt like gulping down) eating his food.

Lu Yu suddenly teased them "Did your hunger go away because of my brother shorty that you actually need to be called for dinner "

Everyone laughed except for Lao Mao who was still clueless.

Lao K seeing his face could just shook his head in despair and said "You are too slow Mao".

Lu yue said with a smirk "something must have happened upstairs isn't it obvious Mao".

Fatty said finally looking up from his food" Are you telling me they....?".

Realisation finally hit Lao Mao and said" those bashful stuff that teenagers do".

Lao K added "that's not only what teenagers do "

There they were snickering and laughing while Here was turning more red than a tomato burying her face in Lu Sicheng 's chest as if trying to disappear.

"Do you guys have a dead wish" said God Ming pointing towards the couple still standing front of the stairs.

As they turned their head they saw their captain giving them a dead glare as if warning they better shut up while hugging their mid who was burried in his chest.

They all immediately stopped whatever they were talking and started eating.

Finally the couple also sat and started eating. While eating again lu yu teasingly said " Ge do whatever just don't get shorty pregnant yet you know the team still needs her even if she is your fiancee"

Hearing his comment almost choked on her food while lu Sicheng got up patting tong yao's back and giving her water.

He glared at her brother and said " she is already my fiancee it won't be a problem if she is pregnant. You don't need to interfere as if any of you can stop me if I want to get her pregnant ".

Suddenly silence fell in the floor as they didn't know what to say while tong yao looked up at him stunned by his answer.

He blended down to her ear and whisper"ofcourse not until you are ready to become the mom of my babies. But yet I won't also be able to wait long you know. I really want to see our cute baby soon ".

Tong felt her cheeks become hotter and just muttered out "just eat now pervert"

Lu si Cheng just chuckled and started eating as his fiancee 's command.

They both were lying on the bed while Lu Sicheng was playing with the ring on Tong Yao's finger and seems to be in deep thought.

Seeing her boyfriend like that tong yao kissed his cheek and asked "what are you thinking so deeply".

Snapping out of his thoughts from his girlfriend's kiss he turned to her face with a smile and lightly kissed her on the lips.

Then he looked at her seriously before saying " Maybe I found out where the lipstick mark came from".

This made tong sit up and look at him and asked "How that's definitely not mine".

He also sat up while interwining their hands and started saying " It slipped from my mind you know after our performance and you went to the washroom I went to buy lilies for you but somehow I find Shen Li there too"

Tong yao looked confused and asked "Shen Li? I thought she had gone to meet her family".

Lu Sicheng Cheng furrowed his eyes as he said " how come you know that".

Tong yao smiled a shy smile at being caught and said " we had been in touch since we meet, we message sometimes and she told me she was going to meet her family before the matches start.

Lu Sicheng sighed and said "so you had kept a contact with her without even telling me".

"Chene let's leave it, continue how is it related to Shen Li" she said wanting to know.

"While I was buying flowers she came to and greeted me and had tripped over me,I had pushed her but it seems at that time only her lipstick marked my t-shirt. As I remember there no else I had met yesterday except her. I was with you the whole time except for the little time you went to the washroom" said Lu Sicheng with a intense look .

She smiled wide and said " so it was accident ".

Lu Sicheng still with his raised eyebrows said "you don't find it that the lip stick stain come so easily and even if so why didn't she told me "

Tong yao caress her boyfriend's hand and said " she might have not noticed or maybe she was embarrassed"

"But'... He was cut off by her girlfriend actually kissing his lips (as she never actually does, he is always the one who is more romantic) So he was stunned for a moment before kissing her back pushing his tongue inside her mouth and going every corner of it.

He laid her down again and didn't want to talk anymore about "the incident" and wanted to enjoy their moment.

Somewhere in Shenzhen:

A slap sound came Shen Li was lying on the floor with a bruised face.

While the man barked " can't you do anything properly you Bi**h.
The man was none other than Xu Tai Lun

"I tried and successful did as you ask wait a little it's just one day maybe they are just hiding it from the media "Shen Li said trembling in fear.

He nodded and said "Seduce Lu Si Cheng and practice you are far from smiling.

Shen Li nodded in fear.

Afterwards she message in the morning tong yao


Shen Li - is everything alright between you and Chessman.

Tong yao - yes what would happen, why are you asking

(Is she actually that stupid to not notice the mark or did lu Sicheng already hid it before) Shen Li thought it her mind.

Shen Li : Nothing!! ZGDX and DQ five both had their first match tomorrow .

Tong yao - yes and all the best with your first match.

Shen Li - Let's meet after the match,you so I can share my experience and get some advice.

Tong yao - sure let's meet on the evening by 5pm . I also wanted to ask you somethings personally.

Shen Li - Bring Lu Sicheng as well.

Tong Yao finally got a strange feeling from that and texted - Why? What's the need to bring him.

Shen Li in panick typed - Oh! Actually I am also bringing a friend you know it would be awkward to be three of us so I asked you to bring him.

Tong yao still suspicious but typed - I can't be sure I'll ask if he is not busy.

Shen Li - Ok but try to bring him, it's just for convenience.

WeChat ended

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