Chapter 17

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The next day tong yao woke up at 6 in the morning with body ache. Lu Sicheng had made her very 'tired' the whole night they just fall asleep 2 hours ago .

Tong Yao wake up as she felt excruciating stomach pain . The time of her monthly schedule has arrived.

She looked and saw the peacefully sleeping handsome face of lu Sicheng and didn't have the heart to disturb him even though she thought he was such a 'stupid thug' to make her so tired .

Tong yao stumbled out of the bed and went to the washroom to clean up.

Then she went to the kitchen and made herself a herbal tea to relieve her pain. She tried to look for the medicine box for her unbearable pain .

She found the medicine box in the cupboard which was quite high for her height to reach still she tried to pull it and with one pull the medicine box, tissue boxes and some mugs fell down hurting her head and made quite a commotion.

Severe stomach cramp hit Tong yao and she couldn't stand it and curled up between the mugs and tissues.

Lu Sicheng has woken up a while ago and after getting freshened up as he was descending the stairs he heard a commotion and hurriedly came down to see his fiancee in the kitchen floor curled up between the scattered things with a paled face.

Lu Sicheng hurriedly reached to her
"Tong yao?!" He said quickly picking her up and bringing her to the couch.

"What is it? What happened?!" Lu Sicheng asked concerned.

Tong yao wasn't able to reply to him because of the pain and just held her stomach as cold sweat flowed down her face.

Lu Sicheng now understanding the situation that she was on her periods, immediately quickly took a hot water compress from the cupboard and filled it , then placed the compress on her stomach.

After getting the compress she held on to it as lu Sicheng went back to the kitchen and warmed a glass of milk, took the with the pain relieving medicine then gave it to tong yao .

After drinking the warm milk and medicine tong yao leaned her back to the sofa and closed her eyes as lu Sicheng sat beside her caressing her hair .

After sometime when finally her pain subsided she said sit up straight and asked the man beside her " Cheng ge when did you woke up".

Lu Sicheng sensing that she was a little better now crossed his hands in front of chest and giving her a deadpan look asked " what was that"?.

"Huh?!" Tong yao asked confused.

Lu Sicheng sighed taking her hand caressing it with her thumb and said " Why didn't you call me"?

"Cheng ge I didn't want to disturb the peacefull face of yours and bring a frown on them making you look old and besides my brain doesn't works anymore when my stomach hurts so much " tong said softly still holding his hands.

Lu Sicheng's eyes softened as he sighed and said"Why did you even come down on your own these days and didn't I tell you Godzilla shouldn't to do anything and rest these days . And who is old hmm?, you still have to cling with this old man only no matter what "

Tong giggled at his answer but gasped as he suddenly picked her up in a bridal style and carried her to her room.

Lu Sicheng laid her in her bed and said " you are not coming out of your room today and tell me anything you need . Rest now I'll be back with your lunch after sometime".

"Aiya captain " tong yao nodded.

Lu Sicheng kissing her forehead and went out of the room.

As Lu Si Cheng was cooking brown porridge for Tong yao Xia Rui came and asked sarcastically" wah why is our captain cooking and where is our mid?"

Without turning around he answered " she is having stomach ache and let her rest today .

"Oh no she on the day of her month, she have such bad cramps " xia Rui sighed as realised washed over him

Everyone came down after sometime and sitted one the dinning table having breakfast.

Lu yue asked " hasn't the salted fish maiden woken up"

Xia Rui was the one to answerd " the princess of ZGDX is on one of her bad days".

"She needs rest in these painful days it's better for her to not come down then " Lao K answerd.

Lu Sicheng came in the dining room with a tray of hot porridge and warm milk and said to them "Get to training after breakfast we have a match soon and I'm going upstairs to feed tong yao.

Fatty said as he looked at the back their captain ascending the stairs "So far, I haven't received such treatment even after being such a great support for 3 years I am offended.

Lao Mao patted fatty's shoulder while chewing his food and said " Don't be offended, you aren't that good".

Fatty huffed and everyone laughed going back to eating their breakfast

Lu Sicheng entered her(their room mostly now as he is always their except for some days) and closed the door with his foot.

He saw her sleeping. He put the tray of food on the bedside table and tried to wake her up .

"Sweetheart have some breakfast " Lu Sicheng said while kissing her cheeks.

Tong yao fluttered open her eyes and said " I don't have a appetite".

"You still have to eat something, I have brought porridge finish it come on. I'll feed you" Lu Sicheng said while making tong sit .

Lu Sicheng brought the spoon near her mouth and she obediently eat it and soon enough the lunch was finished .

"Captain you didn't eat did tong yao" said while hugging Lu Sicheng.

He hugged her tightly and replied "I'll eat in sometime, is your stomach still hurting?"

Tong Nodded and said " Cheng ge eat your lunch it's already past 4pm . I'll sleep till then " .

"Eh' Sleep I'll be back early after training okay and don't you dare try to come down to play today" Lu Sicheng said pecking her lips and went out .

Soon the night fell, even after so much persuading by Lu Sicheng tong yao didn't eat anything at night and just drank a glass of warm milk .

She felt the bed sink as the man laid beside her pulling her closer.

She turned towards him and put her head on Lu Sicheng's chest and said "Good night captain, I can play tomorrow
right "

"You can but only for a little time, now sleep " lu si Cheng said caressing her back and kissed her head.

Tong yao soon fell asleep in her fiancee's warm and safe embrace .

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