Chapter 13

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Tong yao and lu Sicheng had to wake up early the next day since there was the opening ceremony of the spring championship and they would choose their groups.

Lu Sicheng wake up first seeing his fiancee sleeping soundly he didn't want to wake up her. He decided to get ready first then wake her up. He slid from her side and went to the bathroom to take a bath and get ready.

It was 8am in the morning and very early but they had to reach the Arena by 11am since the ceremony will began in 12pm in the afternoon so everybody had to wake up early to get ready and be there on time.

After lu Sicheng finish dressing he sat down beside tong yao and caressed her cheek.

Sensing the touch she said sleeply without opening her eyes "Cheng ge what time is it why are you awake so early".

Lu Sicheng pecked her lips before saying "wake up sleepy head did you forget today is the opening ceremony we need to reach their on time it's already 8am"

On hearing him she remembered and jerked up sitting on the bed saying "why didn't you wak me up before"

He chuckled at her reaction and said "you were sleeping like a dead pig so I didn't have the heart to wake you up"

She huffed at his comment before saying "you couldn't speak any nicely can you "

" Get ready and come down have breakfast otherwise you will become a puffer fish out of hunger later, I'll will be waiting downstairs " lu Sicheng said before ruffling her hair and walking out the door.

She sighed before walking to the washroom to get freshened up.

Afterwards she went downstairs and had breakfast with everyone they were all still sleepy. Fatty was eating breakfast without even opening his eyes. She laughed looking at her teammates like this.

Afterwards they all went to the bus. Tong yao sat beside lu Sicheng . After the bus started lu Sicheng wrapped it arms around her waist pulling her closer to him making her lean to his side as he said " sleep some time we have 1hour till we reach the Arena, you are tired from tomorrow's date especially your rabbit dance".

"Lu Sicheng don't be so mean, I dance well I'm not bad ". Said Tong yao pouting her lips.

"I didn't say you don't dance you dance excellent but you are just too hot which attracts stamps " said Lu si Cheng teasing her.

"Stupid jealous pervert" said Tong yao blushing from his comment.

He just chuckled and said "come on sleep now".

As she slept in his shoulder he also put his head upon her and closed his eyes

They reached at the Onmoyji arena at time.

All the teams sat at their places as the ceremony began .

Lu Sicheng noticed the gazes coming from other teams towards their mid.

He leaned closer to her and pecked her on lips. She looked at him confused and asked " we are at arena everyone is looking".

"Let them look, they already you are already mine anyway " said lu Sicheng calmly

"Do you need to be pervert here also " she said.

"Eh only for you " he said with a smile.

She didn't have anything to say as she sighed and shook her head in disbelief.

As the ceremony went on each team found their group

It was as:

Group A: ZGDX , FNC ,obsidian , DQ five ,Ashes

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