Chapter 6

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     "I don't need your help." I let out a huff and start again down the hallway, one hand braced against the wall and one resting against my swollen stomach. I was nearing the end of the whole ordeal - something I was both dreading and quite relieved to know was so close. Even walking was becoming extremely difficult but I simply wasn't going to tell my husband that. Especially since he had been such a mother hen as of late. "You can take more than a step away from me, I won't break."
     Cardan ignores the words, one hand still hovering near my arm. Presumably in his head he was imagining all sorts of awful things happening - namely, right then, my tripping and falling flat on the tile. And so he hovered.
     "As much as I know you are more than capable," He says, stepping closer and snake that arm around my waist. Secretly I am grateful for it. "I will continue to be here, your ever faithful husband, bending to your every mortal whim."
     I grumble, leaning into him to allieve some of the weight on my feet. "Faithful and annoying is what you are." But I can't argue with him. Ever since we had found out I was carrying, he had been at my side and doing everything I asked with less of his usual flair.
     "Jude?" Cardan's tone had turned worried while I had lost myself in thought.
     Patting his arm, I push off him with a groan and began walking again. "I'm fine. We've got a meeting to get to. Since I can't have even one day off, despite carrying the damn heir." The last bit I grumble to myself, wincing a bit as I rub my stomach. "Your daughter is active today. Already roughing me up."
     Cardan grins, lengthening his strides to catch back up to me. "Your daughter then, my sweet villain. I am never good for a fight."
     The thought of a child just like me is terrifying enough that I have to stop again, leaning against the wall this time. "Let's hope she's not that much like me. I don't think I could handle chasing her around while she attempts to climb around in the rafters." I rub at my stomach again, trying to ease a bit of the soreness. "You're not getting another child. It's not happening."
     Cardan steps beside me and bends down to kiss my cheek. "Of course. I would not expect it. However may I suggest heading back to our rooms? They will have to excuse our absence as you seem unwell."
     Unwell was certainly a word for it. The soreness that had begun in my back was beginning to wrap around my torso, my knees threatening to buckle against the feeling despite my much higher than average pain tolerance. But when had a little pain ever stopped me?
     I went to take another step, opening my mouth to explain that I was fine and going to the meeting, when I found myself barely able to take that step. My leg shook as I set it back down.
     Cardan had his arms around me in moments, his brow creased in worry. "Jude? What is it?"
     I brace myself for a moment before patting his arm. "Okay- I'm okay." I shift back fully upright, still holding on to Cardan's arm despite my want to seem independent. Perhaps I would have to disregard that for the moment. "I agree. I need to go back to our rooms."

----☆ (we're changing to 3rd person here, because I can't deal with 1st anymore, and past tense, I'm sorry if it's confusing lmao also small time skip)

     Jude took a breath, her hand wrapped tightly around her husband's. "I never should have let you touch me." The words came out strained, her head thrown back against the pillows.
     Cardan reached over with his free hand, gently brushing her hair away from her face. They'd been in that room for hours already and yet nothing had happened. And even though the mortal midwives in their employ had assured that everything was progressing normally, Cardan couldn't help but worry. He looked up from his wife once more, toward the human woman standing on the other side of the room. "It's been nearly a full night."
     The woman was rinsing her hands off. "It could go on for several more days, your Majesty."
     "Days." Jude practically growled the word, sounding both pained and angry. It was a tone that Cardan had seldom heard from her and it pained him. He never wanted to hear such sounds from his strong mortal queen again.
     Tatterfell entered the room, fresh towels in her arms that she promptly deposited on a nearby chair. "Your sisters have arrived. They are anxious to see how you are."
     Jude took a long breath. "Tell them I'm fine- but they're going to have to wait." She let out a grunt and shifted, hand tightening around Cardan's. "Though maybe not as long as we thought."

---- A/N

Heyy again. This isn't as good or as long as I wanted but it is finisheddd. Also I need name ideas for their daughter!! I'm thinking of naming her after Jude's mother but I'm not sure. Drop your ideas in the comments and I'll do my best to update in the next week or so.

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