Chapter 4

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     I awoke to find Cardan out of bed, standing by the door. "Cardan?" He turns, a small smile on his face. In a few steps, he's at my side. "Good morning, Darling. I've made plans for the day."
     Sitting up, I yawn. "What kind of plans? What should I wear?" As I stand to get ready, Cardan sits, absentmindedly playing with his cufflinks. "It's a surprise. You'll have to wait." I humph and pull two dresses from the wardrobe. "I need your opinion."
     "Must you blindfold me, Cardan? You do know that I've memorized these halls, correct?" I feel him brush a strand of hair from my face and kiss the side of my neck. A gesture that means either the blindfold was more of a formality or he was silently distracting me from the fact that he forgot. I let it slide, letting Cardan lead me towards what I believe is the horse's stables.
     "We're here. Tada!" Just as I had predicted, we'd stopped at the stables. "Are we going for a ride?" I ask, redundantly. I realize a moment later Cardan has scurried and was across the stables. "And a picnic! Surprise, Darling." He appears back at my side, basket in hand. With a smile, I turn to saddle one of the horses.
     "Come on! Pick up the pace, Cardan!" I vaguely hear Cardan huff then laugh, his horse galloping beside mine within seconds. "You're the slow one, Jude darling." Suddenly, he's in front of me and it's my turn to huff.
     We tie the horses by a creek and let them drink while we set up the picnic. I raised an eyebrow at the messy sandwiches. "Did you prepare this yourself?" I ask. The silence that follows is all the answer I need. I lean over and kiss Cardan on the cheek, giggling. "Thank you, love."
     Cardan smiles then promptly pulls me into his lap. My hands tangle in his hair as I rest my head against his shoulder. "I love you," he whispers, gazing toward the horizon. I pull him down to kiss me again. "I love you more."

Author's Note: I'm sorry this is short. I don't really have many ideas and I'm kind of tired 😅. My grades are suffering so I'm just a tiny bit stressed. But I promised an update and an update you shall have. Peace ✌

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