Chapter 2

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     Cardan stares at me, some unidentifiable emotion on his face. I smile nervously. Within seconds, a huge smile had broken out over Cardan's face and he's swept me into his arms. "Jude, Jude, Jude! You wonderful woman!" We're both laughing and my face hurts from so much smiling. "So you're really happy?" I ask, arms secured around his neck. He drops his head so our foreheads are touching. "Estatic, darling. I couldn't be happier." He kisses me and the world melts away.
     We announce it a week later. The courts have mixed feelings, but Cardan makes sure that anyone who even thinks about saying anything will taste my knives. I smile at the thought.
     Cardan tries not to but keeps whining that he can't drink. "Stop being a gentlemen and drink then! I just can't!" Cardan grumbles something about being with his wife and slumps in his throne. I lean over and peck him on the cheek. "Cheer up. Would you like to dance, your Majesty?" Cardan perks up and smiles.
     The night seems to come and go, dawn soon breaking over the horizon. As everyone leaves, Taryn walks in with my niece on her hip. I immediately jump up and sweep down the steps of the dias, eager to hold my niece. "Hello little one," I say, tickling her. She giggles and I'm overwhelmed with the thought of having my own little one.
     Taryn takes her daughter back and I move to stand beside Cardan. "What brings you here, Taryn? Except gracing us with the young one's presence, of course." We all laugh a little and Taryn glances at me. I nod. She smiles wide and looks up at Cardan. "You won't be needing to see my daughter much longer, will you?" A smile curls at the corner of Cardan's mouth. "I suppose not."
     Taryn leaves, having gotten the response she wanted, but I find myself unable to sleep. Cardan falls asleep almost as soon as his head hits his pillow. I smile and reach over to play with his hair. "What are you doing?" He asks, opening his eyes. "Your hair is silky," I respond. He smiles and closes his eyes again.
     Vivi comes and insists we have to come visit again, to tell Oak. "He is going to have a niece or nephew," she says, lounging in my throne. I roll my eyes and sit beside her on the arm. "I'm sure Cardan would just love to go to the mortal world again," I say, looking up at Cardan. "Isn't that right?" He grumbles but doesn't object. "It's settled then!" I clap my hands together. "To the mortal world we go."
     Cardan seems less curious this time and more irritated. That's fine, I can handle this. "Cardan, stay here," I say, pushing him down onto the couch in Vivi and Heather's apartment. "I will go get Oak, okay?" He doesn't look happy, but waves his hand to let me go. I march out the door, triumphant.
     Oriana opens the door for me. "Hello, Jude. Vivienne told me you would be by," she says, waving me in. I'm glad for her hospitality. I hope my father is not there. "Take a seat. I'll go get Oak. I sit on the couch, stiffly. It's only moments before my worst fear comes true.
     Madoc walks in from another room and spots me on the couch. We exchange no words, just stare at eachother. "I hoped to never see you again," he says, crossing his arms and leaning against the door jam. I'd never seen him in such human clothes. It nearly throws me off my game. But I keep it together. "I'm only here to let Oak visit Vivi, Cardan and I." Cardan's name seems to strike something within Madoc. "No! Oak will not be seeing that monster!" As if summoned by his name, Oak comes skipping down the hall.
     "Jude!" He jumps into my arms and I laugh. "Mom says I get to see Vivi and Cardan!" Madoc visibly tenses. I nod and stand, pulling him with me. "We'll be going now," I say to Madoc. Then to Oriana, "I'll have Oak home by nine." She nods and I leave, Oak skipping after me.
     Oak immediately jumps into Cardan's lap. Why he likes Cardan so much, I do not know. "Hello, Oak," Cardan laughs. Laughing has become Cardan's new hobby. I love it. Oak begins explaining something to Cardan, something that vaguely sounds like a video game, and I turn to Vivi. "Madoc was there." Vivi shrugs. "Did he do anything?" She asks. I shake my head. "It was just very weird."
     Vivi and I sit Oak down, trying to explain that this is important. "What?" He whines, throwing himself backward on the couch. I glance at Cardan and he shrugs. He has no idea how to deal with a bored eight year old. "Oak, you are going to want to hear this," Vivi says, subtling glaring at him. Oak humphs and crosses his arms. "Fine."
     The news hits Oak the second we say it and he jumps into my arms, squealing incoherently. "Okay, okay! Calm down!" We're all laughing and Vivi has to pry Oak off me. "If you calm down right now, we can get pizza," Vivi says. My brother immediately sits down obediently. Everything is perfect.

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