Week 1

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Sunday: Dear diary, It's been a few weeks since mom and dad were picked up by that dragon. I'm grieving and the rest of the caravan is grieving with me, supporting me through these days. It hurts to lose a loved one, specially to those mindless beasts. Why do we have to hide like animals? Why can't we just march in and storm their palace? I hate dragons. I want them all to Vanish. Disappear. I want my family back, Signed Lark

Monday: Dear diary, We've been in the desert for about a day now. Currently I'm riding my camel, Sandy. It's bumpy, and hot, and exhausting,  and tiring, and dehydrating, and burning, and- you know what I'm just gonna stop my ranting. A few Sand Dragons have flown over us. Even with our big caravan they don't seem to notice or they just don't mind us. These dragons are either dumb or stupid which is basically the same thing. I wanna just- *Scribbled out text*, Lark

Tuesday: Dear Diary, I'm just getting repetitive I am not going around about what I don't like anymore I am going to try and focus on the good. Starting with the good thing about today. We encountered a underground village in the desert called Fools Gold. Luckily, The people there are really nice and are letting us stay there for a few days. By the hotel that we're staying in, there's a few houses with families living in them. One of the families have two kids about my age. Their names are Fennec and Hare and they're twins. These two are really nice and I hope to hang out with them a bit more, that's pretty much all I've got, Signed Lark

Wednesday: Dear Diary, This is absolutely amazing I love Fools Gold! They've got a network of tunnels heading to other villages. They've got patrols that go outside and risk their lives. And get this, they even got an underground lake! It's awesome here Fennec and Hare are so nice, We all now have friendship bracelets. They're just little charm bracelets actually, but they've got our names carved into the gold. each have one little charm, a cactus. Unfortunately we have to go soon. We've got our stuff stocked up, and we did our normal performance. That's all I've got today. Bye, Lark.

Thursday: Dear diary, We stocked up on supplies and had to leave Fools Gold. I'm sad I hope I see Fennec and Hare again soon. We set off this morning and we've been traveling through the desert for a few hours or so. Our next stop is a village called Saguaro. I've been practicing my dancing which is honestly not very good. Definitely prefer to play the instruments but since our dancer kind of got eaten by dragon... yeah I have to be the dancer until we can find another one. Setting up camp for the night and Oak is calling me to go help set up camp, So yeah see you around, Lark.

Friday: Dear diary, We arrived! We're currently riding through Saguaro to head to our hotel. It's  actually a pretty nice town. We're performing tomorrow and I'm actually kind of excited. The caravan is also excited, of course. Hopefully the show goes smoothly I know this wasn't much to write but that's pretty much what's been going on all day. I gotta go to bed now bye! Signed Lark.

Pirouette, Side step, grapevine, twirl, box step. 

Saturday: Oops. Don't mind that writing that was just me writing down my dance routine so I could remember to practice it. Today is the day we finally get to do our show! I'm going to start practicing after I'm done writing this entry in my journal. I wonder what the people of Saguaro will think? Hopefully my dancing is as good as the last dancer. I wish I could be playing the drums on the sidelines, I never liked being the center of attention. But of course there's a first for everything, I might as well face it head on! I've got to practice I'll check back later signing off, Lark.

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