Week 4

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Sunday: Dear Diary, There's a dragon staring at me. It's sitting there and just well... looking at me. I am 100 percent positive by now I will not be eaten, but I'm still trapped in a cage. In a house. With a baby Night Dragon staring at me. So to fill you in, long story, the big Night Dragon brought me to a house and gave me to it's baby. The baby grabbed my cage and I gladly went into the bigger cage. Anything to get away from it. Now for an escape place. Hmm... I wonder if there's a lose bar somewhere...

Monday: Dear Diary... I'M BORED, WHERE IN THE THREE MOONS IS A BOOK? Besides my diary of course. I need a good fantasy novel or mystery novel at least. Even an encyclopedia or research book would do, and that's saying something because I hate school. Not as much dragons though but, but it's a close second. Speaking of dragons, this dragon just dropped some kind of toy in. A cat toy maybe. There is no way I'll be chasing a bell around. I need some new clothes though, and maybe a shower, but we'll see.

Tuesday: Dear Diary, ADHD strikes again. There I was writing about books when bam! I start talking about my hygiene! Well anyways I bet your wondering how my foot is. Why am I writing this? No one will read this... Right? Argh! Why ADHD why! Surprisingly, this Night Dragon is good at medicine and that's crazy, when it's not coming from the girl who thought she was in a fictional universe for a few minutes. My foot doesn't hurt anymore at least. That's all I guess bye, Lark.

Wednesday: Hi

Thursday: Dear Diary, nothing worked. I'm stuck here. Destined forever to be stuck in a cage and be treated like a pet by these mindless beasts who took my parents and my whole caravan away from me. How do I keep going like this? I'm not sure I can anymore. I'm lost. Forever, no hope in store for me. Just betrayal, loss, and doom, Lark.

Friday: Dear Diary, the only thing keeping me sane is this journal. My only connection to anything I loved in the past. The dragons it's their fault. They're sick, horrid creatures who don't have a heart just a will to feed on the grief and fear of their victims.

Saturday: Dear Diary, typical me, with my mood swings and messed up life. Some days I'm fine, constantly hating the Monsters who killed my family, but still fine. Other days, I just wanna die in a hole. Alone. Cloudy Rain and Brilliant Sunshine. My fears gone with the wind, life constantly shifting like the ocean. Great I'm a poet now too! What next, A dragon tamer?

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