Week 6

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Sunday: Dear Diary, We went on another walk. The mountain side we're at is secluded but kind of peaceful I have to admit. There is a lot of wildlife and greenery. A butterfly here. Another marigold there. It's extremely pretty. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm actually starting to like it here. And there are SO MANY BLUEBERRIES. LIKE BUSHES OF BLUEBERRIES THE SIZE OF MY HEAD. I love this place. But still miss the caravan. Signed, Lark.

Monday: Ugh. Life give me a break. The baby dragon is now HAND FEEDING ME. BRUH! I need independence! Can I have a break I- *Cut off by a stain of Blueberry juice.* Wow. This was a rough day. I'm going to bed down for the night, Signed Lark

Tuesday: Dear Diary, How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? We are now going on daily walks and flies. I've settled in and I love this baby Night Dragon. I've taken to calling him Miracle. He is my family now. I love him so much. I don't know what I'd do without him now. Every day is a bit easier with Miracle around. I love his bouncy and happy mood. His dad is still gone though. I'm worried about him. But he'll be alright, I'm sure of it, Signed Lark

Wednesday: Dear Diary, Alright I have to admit the bell is fun to play with. I love Miracle when he plays. So cute! Never in a million years did I think I'd be living with a dragon let alone playing with one. It's fun. But he seems worried and scared. I worry something happened to his dad. I'll do what ever I can to help him feel better. Probably a walk, fly, playtime? I don't know what these dragons like, Signed Lark.

Thursday: Wow so weird update. He likes bongos. I started playing one day and he stopped doing something and stared at me. He then made a happy chirp and started... Dancing? I think? Wow I'm amazed. Dragons are so weird. But in a good way. But only some dragons though. *Cough The Sand Dragon who destroyed the caravan cough.* I love this dragonet. He's my family now, Signed Lark.

Friday: We went on another fly today. But there was a close call when Miracle nearly ran into a tree. But it's enjoyable now. No longer scary. We did more dancing today, I explored the house. I can now go around freely. Yay! I found the blueberries. That was a hazardous mess to clean up. But overall we just chilled and drew. It's mind blowing how close I've become to this dragonet. At the beginning hated dragons. We're chill now I guess.

Saturday: The worst thing happened today I woke up to a knock at the door and I woke Miracle by screaming his name. There was a Mountain Dragon at the door who sounded very solem. He chirped at Miracle for a moment... As if he was telling him something then he burst into tears, so there I was starting at him. Why do I have a feeling it involved his dad? After about an hour he came to me, grabbing me out of the cage and whispered something to me, putting on my leash and putting me on his shoulder. Then it occurred to me. His dad was never coming back. I'll be sure to watch over him now. Nothing will ever hurt him as long as I'm there. Miracle. I love you.

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