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19th of November, 2022

Dear Hazel,

Although I admit, having you at Mercedes' wasn't the most pleasant thing for us both, not having you with me had its major negatives.

It's hard when I can barely see you during the entire race weekend, only catching a glimpse of you throughout each session across the garages.

But what can I say? I'm a man with little self control when it comes to you.

lewis was having one of his casual strides with his electric scooter around the paddock. he'd been bored out of his mind, having finished all team debriefs and training he had to do for the day.

it was the emilia romagna grand prix weekend and lewis couldn't be more relaxed, leading the championship with a comfortable 90 points lead. and there were only 3 races left til the season ended.

being their closest competitors, despite it being mercedes' dominant era, redbull workers - and drivers- had to work overtime in hopes of coming close to them.

which meant hazel had to put in more extra hours than usual, further increasing the time apart between them although they were two garages away.

during lewis' stroll, he caught sight of his wife who seemed to be on her break. he obnoxiously pressed on his bike's horn to grab her attention, which he successfully did.

rising up from her seat, she walked towards him, a smile finding its way onto her face.

"what are you doing here?" she stood in front of him as she placed a hand around his arms, savoring any bit of physical touch, even it was for just a moment.

"i'm here to see, and rescue, my wife." he cheekily responded.

"rescue me? from what?" she chuckled, looking around her to find what he could potentially be 'rescuing' her from.

"from the prison they've been holding you in." he pointed at the redbull garage, his face twinging with a bitter look.

"it's no prison lulu, it's my job." she laughed, seeing her husband get jealous from where she worked never failed to make her laugh until tears brimmed to her eyes.

"same thing." he rolled his eyes, "you're coming with me."

"coming where-" she interrupted herself as he set her on the scooter, had her wrap her arms around his torso before driving off, "lewis! i'm supposed to go back!"

he turned the right handlebar the furthest it could go, making them reach the scooter's highest speed- which was only 50 km/h- but for a scooter, and hazel, it was too quick.

"lewis! we're going to crash!" she screamed, not caring if the few people left in the paddock were looking at them weird (although the majority of people have gotten used to seeing these antics from the two).

as she buried her head into his back, he had a sly smirk on his face, "are you underestimating my capabilities, darling?"

to scare her even more, he turned the scooter suddenly, making her tighten her grip around his torso and scream even louder.

"answer me." despite sounding serious, he couldn't help the need to break out into laughter. if there was one thing he loved to do, it would be scaring her shitless until he heard the answer he wanted.

"no, no, i'm not. you're a great driver and you could never crash." she rushed out, her heart rate slowing down once lewis braked, bringing them to a stop in between the redbull and mercedes garage.

dear hazel, | lewis hamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now