I'll Be Right Back

47 5 31

TW major character death

Deku woke up next to his wife the next morning, a small smile on his lips as he sat up and stretched. He went to go check on his son and grinned as he watched him in his little mittens, he sat down in the rocking chair in the corner of his nursery, sitting and watching him with a sigh. He frowned when his phone began to ring. Shit. Shit. He stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Kacchan hi. Sorry I was in the nursery with Kaz."

Katsuki grunted "Yeah? How is he?"
"Good. He's uh.. He's great. I gave him One For All." 

"You what?"

"I gave him one for all."
"Are you fucking insane Deku? He's a baby! This could kill him."
Deku's eyes filled with tears, "Let's just meet up. Okay? Do you have time?"

"Uh.. Yeah don't have to be at the agency for a couple hours. You want me to meet you there?"

"That would be nice." Deku whimpered

Katsuki nodded "I'll be there in ten minutes."
"Thanks Kacchan."

Katsuki huffed, swearing as he punched his steering wheel and drove to his friend's house. He knocked on the door and sighed as Deku answered it with Kaz in his good arm

"What did you do?"

"You know how the night I conceived Kaz my words changed?"

"I thought my soulmate changed, but-but I had actually done something that would cause Melissa to call me again."

"What did she say?"

"That I gave one for all to someone if I broke my arm in my marital bed, and she said if I didn't know where it went, I had given it to Ochako, gotten Ochako pregnant again and given it to my second child, or I had given it to Kaz.. Which.. Has to be what it is because my  words changed the night he was conceived."

Katsuki nodded with a groan, unsure what to say, "So what now?"

"I start the process of retirement." Deku shrugged, "start trying to train my son as soon as he is old enough.. But Katsuki-"

"I'll help train the brat, of course I will." Katsuki glanced down at the baby and smiled slightly

"Thank you, Kacchan, but if I die-"
"You won't."
"But if I do, Ocha isn't going to know what to do with him. So I'm going to need you to take over my role as his mentor. Full time. Entirely."

Katsuki's forearm burned, he felt tears fill his eyes, god damn it. "What the fuck are you saying?"

"I think you know what I'm saying, Kacchan. I have seen your arm, and I have seen Ochako's. I'm not an idiot. I know what they mean."

"So you're just resolving yourself to leaving your son with a quirk he can't use?"
"I'm just trying to make sure I'm prepared for the worst case scenario."
Katsuki nodded his head "So what do the words on my forearm mean, Deku? What do they mean to you?"

"That I am going to die, long before Ochako. Wh-which brings me to the next thing I wanted to ask. If you and Ochako ever-"
Katsuki wanted to hit him. "Fuck you! What the hell is wrong with you? I- I could-"

Deku sighed "I just.. don't want to die, and for her to just.. Never love again. I want-"
"You shouldn't be thinking about who is going to fuck your wife once you die! What the fuck?"
"What am I supposed to think? I see the words 'I can't do this to Deku' on your arm and it scares the shit out of me for a completely different reason than it used to!"
Katsuki huffed, "Deku. I.."

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