welcome home

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Demon 1: hey there Don worry I won't hurt you

Demon 2: your going to be my little brother

Demon 3:.he's going to live with us that's final IMP

Demon 2: don't touch him mom!

Demon 1,2,and 3: MAX

Waking up Max smiles at the pleasant dream he misses his family dearly he hasn't found them yet but he knows what they do and how to find them

Cabin deep woods earth

Max: just a few more get as many mad at me they will come I know it my family will find me and when they do I won't leave them again never again creepy laughter

Victim: pleas let me go I don't want to die pleas I beg you I have a fam-GACK

Max: so do I and your suffering will help me find them


???: this the place mills?

Millie: yea this is it random cabin in the woods creepy ain't it loona?

Loona: yea it is although there's a familiar scent here and it's strange?

???: strange how?

Loona: like I know them and it's pissing me off hey fattie get over here

???: I have a name loona and the windows are boarded so I can't get a clear shot sorry millie but youll have to go in for them

Millie: I don't mind moxxie it just makes it more fun come on loona blitz and moxxie will cover the entrance and exit so they can't escape

Loona: fine let's get this over with


There's a loud crash coming from upstairs

Max: more intruders more opportunities I'm coming momma I'll see you soon

Max heads upstairs to find his new victim only to be tackle by a red blur

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Max heads upstairs to find his new victim only to be tackle by a red blur

Millie: I gotcha you crazy human

Max: I will not die my family is coming for me I will make momma proud Max kicks millie off of him

Loona: sniff sniff what's your name psycho


Millie: MAX!! like Max Dare my sons name?

Max: your son's name is also Max dare?

Loona: do you happen to recognize this pulls out a leash and a collar

Max: yea it looks like the one my big sis loona would put on me

Millie: Son?

Max: momma millie? Is that really you?

Millie: tears in her eyes yes Max its me it's momma come here millie opens her arms for a hug

Max: MOMMA rushes over and hugs millie I knew you'd come for me all I had to do was make enough people mad and they would send you momma I missed you

Loona: what don't I get a hug or even an I miss you?

Millie: hush loona he's been alone for so long and you know he never had a proper mother before until I adopted him

Loona: after you killed his uncle you mean?

Millie: that's besides the point the point is I found my baby and he's all grown up

Loona: you can easily convince fatty to let him come but blitzo on the other hand

Millie: he's going to accept it otherwise he's gonna face am angry millie!

Max: can we go home momma? I'm tired

Millie: Of course sweetie just wait by the door until we tell you to come out

Max: ok momma



moxxie/blitzo: what?

Blitzo: did you kill the target millie that was fast even for you

Millie: no but I found something better

Blitzo: a horse?

Loona: No we found Max

Moxxie: isn't he dead? After the whole ritual failed?

Millie: I thought so to bit he's here and he's alive

Blitzo: great so what about the target we got paid big for this one

Millie: Well Max is...the target...

Blitz: sorry mills then we have to kill him


Millie: Blitz you lay a hand on my son and I will fucking end you she grips blitzo tightly and glares at him

Blitzo: fuck fine we won't kill him but your pay is docked for the next 3 months

Millie:.that's fair come out Max it's safe now

Max: exits the building and see the whole gang Uncle blitz, Pappa moxxie!!!!

Moxxie: hey Max been a while

Blitzo: fuck kid you better be lucky I'm scared of millie otherwise your brains would be gone loonie would you open the portal home now

Loona: way ahead of you opens the portal

You all step through and as Max goes hough he sees the familiar office space from when he was as kid and now he's home where he belongs with his momma millie

That's it for this chapter

I've seen some like this bit they all hated them so I flipped the script there will still be yandere things like being taken by other demons just he won't outright hate them all

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