fucked situation pt3 🍋

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We open back up to a cuddling loona and Max

Max: didn't take you for a cuddler

Loona: shut up Max its just feels so good to finally sleep with you

Max: I'm feeling conflicted about this

Loona: why?

Max: well you see I've always seen you as a sister and now I guess a lover its a strange jump in viewpoints you know

Loona: well suck it up your going to have to deal with it because this will happen more than once and I will be your main chick since I already know it's going to be pointless trying to keep you to myself but we will have to agree if you want to add another woman now tell who is most likely going to be in this

Max: well I'm assuming Charlie, her girlfriend Vaggie, you, this woman named Velvette, and carmilla she has made it very clear on what's going to happen with me and her today same thing with Velvette

Loona: damn two overlords huh?

Max: yea and I'm going to have to get moving soon

Loona: what why?

Max: because I have 2 overlords chasing me and I don't want to endanger you guys and just so you know I'm not leaving because I don't want to stay far from it I'm keeping you guys safe

Loona: figures but fine....but you owe me a date or so help me I'll take a barbed peg and fuck you with it

Max: ok jeez message received

Loona: good loona kisses max's cheek now get going I'm going to have to deal with blitzo

Max: blushes thanks loona Max gets up from bed and gets dressed bye loona see you later Max runs out of the room and onto the streets of imp city

Kreig: mentally so what's the plan? Besides get fucked two more times

Max: no clue but I really wish I could move faster than I am now

Kreig:mentally well maybe there is a way to help with that

Max: how?

Kreig: I can force out the speed transformation but you will be exausted

Max: how does that work

Kreig: well the ritual created 3 different personalities each loyal to you but since only I was the strongest I was the first to awaken and I've been keeping the others asleep so that you can get used to having only the one extra voice in your head but I think you can handle the second one now

Max: fuck it why not go ahead

Kreig: mentally to the other personality HEY lazy ass wake up

Max: it's tha- GAAAHHH Max writhes on pain as a surge goes through him

Kreig: oh yea it's also painful

Max: 2 HOURS OF MY LITTLE PONY!!! max"s body begins to morph into a thinner figure and his eyes become sharper and a deep red the next thing to form is a white lab coat that's tattered and somehow covered in blood finally the last thing to transform hus arm turned into a buzz saw of sorts

Max: 2 HOURS OF MY LITTLE PONY!!! max"s body begins to morph into a thinner figure and his eyes become sharper and a deep red the next thing to form is a white lab coat that's tattered and somehow covered in blood finally the last thing to transfo...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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