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We open the scene to Max riding in a limo with Odette going to an overlord meeting

Max: so...your carmillas daughter?

Odette: yup that's me but I do have a question for you

Max: sure what's up?

Odette: why did you think you could steal from an overlord especially from my mother?

Max: to be honest I thought I was stealthy and that nobody would notice if a weapon or two vanished plus I needed to get my business running somehow hehe

Odette: yes your killing sinners business... honestly it's not that surprising  but how come you chose hammers?

Kreig: mentally tell her that it's so you can feel your opponents or victims head splatter woth each strike

Max: I like killing and there's something euphoric about using hammers if it's the crunch of bones or the splatter of blood I have no clue as to what it is

After a short while of talking they arrive at the meeting building

Odette: looks like we're here mother wants to talk to you before the meeting starts she's in her office

Max: Allright Max makes his way to the elevator going up and walking to the office

Carmilla: Max good to see you she looks at Max having to hold herself back at pouncing from on him I'd like to ask how old are you exactly I do not think I asked last time

Max: well currently I'm 17

Carmilla: only 17 she's actually bummed at the news but she asks a follow up question so when's your birthday?

Max: it's actually this Friday I turn 18 in two days

Carmilla: perks up at this news and starts to make some special plans for his birthday well happy early birthday then now as for this meeting I'd like you to keep those hammers you have out letting everyone in the room understand that you are armed and dangerous so that others don't thi k your easy pickings

Max: Allright I'll be sure to do so and I won't let you down carmilla

Carmilla: I expect big things from you young man she is really having a hard time keeping herself from just pouncing on him

Later in the meeting

Max is currently standing by carmilla while she drones on about something from the last meeting because apparently it was interrupted by someone Max didn't seem to care who though as he listened in bordome rather than necessity of course as all things happen nature calls

Max: taps carmilla on the shoulder

Carmilla: hm? Yes what is it Max?

Max: Hey I'll be right back I gotta use it

Carmilla: hm Allright just out those doors to the left at he end of the hallway the restrooms are there

Max: thanks Max makes his way out of the room and only takes a few steps before bumping into someone oof

???: hey watch where your going shit for brains

Max: oh I'm sorry I really didn't see you...there infront of Max was the most beautiful woman he's ever seen so uhm w..what's your name?

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