separate mission

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Max watches as millie, blitzo, and moxxie enter a portal to kill some chick that fucked over a teacher Mayberry or something Max really didn't care but Max also has been secretly taking side missions to kill sinners well this is his first one at least

Max: Allright time to kill that prick Mayberry was married to couldn't be hard except I need an angelic weapon....after some research oh shit I could easily steal one of these I'm sure she wouldn't notice one measly spear gone hehe

And so Max went off into the dangers of Pentagram city luckily he snuck on a bus goin there so it only took 30 minutes after arriving in the city he snuck around keeping quiet looking for a place owned by one carmilla carmine

Max: shouldn't be to hard just sneak in and out now if i where a breach I'm defenses where would I be after looking around Max spots a big air vent bingo Max sneaks over to it and carefully opening it and crawling in placing the vent back in place hehehe just what the doctor ordered Max crawls through the vent keeping quite he sees an opening in the vent and it looks like a room with what looks like a gray ballerina in it hmm that must be carmilla she's not as big as i expected hot yes big no (ship maybe) Max crawls further ahead until he looks into another opening in the vents and sees the warehouse where all the weapons are stored hehehehe jackpot Max carefully opens the vent from the inside unfortunately he bent it so I can't go back where it was ok where are the weapons I want looking through many crates Max stops at one not finding the spear he wanted but something much better why have on hammer when you can have two hehehe max picks up the hammers

Max: shouldn't be to hard just sneak in and out now if i where a breach I'm defenses where would I be after looking around Max spots a big air vent bingo Max sneaks over to it and carefully opening it and crawling in placing the vent back in place...

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???: and how do you expect to pay for them

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???: and how do you expect to pay for them

Max: Shit turning around Max sees the exact woman he saw in the woman earlier fuck it's carmine

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