spring broken

424 12 3

IWe open up on the imp crew driving down the road of imp city Blitzo is currently singing along with a god awful song called mustang dong while Max is texting his other employer carmilla

Max: text so what exactly did you need again?

Carmilla: text there's an overlord meeting coming up today and I need you here by 12 Allright Don't forget it's apart of the contract

Max: text I promise I'll be there as soon as possible I might be a bit late I'm still in imp city

Carmilla: text what building I'll send Odette to come pick you up

Max: text I.M.P building building with huge horns on it can't miss it

Carmilla: she only sends a thumbs up and a smiling winky face

Max: Hey loona?

Loona: yea?

Max: what does this mean? Max shows her the last text Carmilla sent him

Loona: jealous it means..great see you soon

Max: oh cool that's actually ver- OH FUCK gets sent yeeting out of his seat into loona face first ( 😉 ) into her breasts (should loona be apart of the yandere harem? No? Well to bad she is)

Loona: takes this opportunity to hold him there enjoying yourself?

Millie: snaps a photo cute

Blitzo is currently yelling at some pink demon to move her pink car so Max decided to get out to support his uncle and to relieve himself of the  embarrassment of what just happened

???: oh and who's this cutie

Blitzo: he's my employee so hands off

Max: trust me I'm not interested uncle blitzo who is she anyways?

Blitzo: this is verosika I used to date her unfortunately

Krieg: mentally cap

Max: interesting...did she leave because you were gay?

Verosika: no he left me in a hotel room stole my car l-

Verosika/ Blitzo: and ran three rings down to wrath and maxed my credit cards on shitty horse riding lessons

Blitzo: god bitch you will not let me that go

Verosika: go choke on a sandpaper cock walks past them but not before winking at Max

Blitzo: no your gonna get back here and move your shitty car or I'm gonna-

???: gonna what?! Says a deep menacing voice

Blitzo: I uhm..i..i..I'll call HR!!

Sitcom laughing all around

Verosika: anyway meet tex my new hellhound guard he actually does his job unlike you ta ta fuck stain walks off with tex

Max: Says the dirty slut who's used more often than a communal urinal although considering your smell you probably do that to!

Blitzo: Weezez

Later in the building with loona, Max, blitzo, and moxxie

Loona: shit I did my makeup shitty today pulls out a small mirror trying to fix her makeup

Max: you look fine sis you always do

Blitzo: he's right loonie you look great as always

Loona: shut up da-...BLITZO Continues to fix her makeup and runs into tex hey watch where you going ass- whao

Tex: hey

Loona: blushes oh..h..hi hehe

Blitzo: steps in hey big man where's your bitch bag of an employer

Tex: points to a room with a big V M on it in there we couldn't get a room on the sucking floor and it was cheaper here

Blitzo: You fucking kidding me!

Tex: Don't know what to say dude walks off

Blitzo: oh no you don't bitch

Moxxie: sir why don't you let me talk to her because her status as a popstar means nothing to me an-

Max: way ahead of you dad walks into the office

Verosika: oh the wittle human get sick of blitzo and finally decided to come to me?

Max: no I want our parking space back

Kiki: aww look how cute he is trying to be assertive and sniffs he's a virgin to~

Verosika: want us to take care of that for you and make you a man~

Max: uh no I do not want a pitty fuck and second pulls his Hammer out try to touch me and I start swinging

Jake: (I think that's one of the names) puts his hand on Max shoulder and his about to say something but his cut off by a hammer to the balls

Max: what did I just say...what..did..i..say

Verosika: how about you take a message to your limp dick boss

Max: wait no no I NEED AN ADULT I NEED AN ADULT clings to the door trying to open it


millie: bursts through the wall WHOS TOUCHIN MY BOY

Max: stumbles out with kisses on his face and body I'm gonna...go lay down

Blitzo: OH THIS WILL NOT STAND bursts into the room you wanna be shitty to my employee slash nephew the I challenge you to a..fuckin challenge! Fuck I said that twice

Kiki: this little demon trying to start a demon duel?

Verosika: I think he is well what are your terms

Blitzo: every year you sucubitches go topside to fuck horny teens so I bet we can off more people than you can fuck by the end of the day

Verosika: hahaha it's a deal but of you lose the humans virginity is mine

Blitzo: DEAL

Later in the office blitzo is ranting to the crew about his big plan to kill more people than verosika can fuck all the while millie is pissed at him and Max is to until he gets a text 

Max: as great as this is I gotta go my other job calls

Blitzo: the fuck you mean we need you

Max: well I'm not gonna let my soul get fucked over because of your spat and you better win because if you lose I'll tell stolas to fuck you all night and day no rest because you bet my virginity on your parking space now I'm going to go do my other job walks downstairs where Odette is waiting with a limo to pick Max up

That's the end of the chapter so pray for Max and his virginity otherwise it might be stolen

1000 words

helluva boss Yandere Where stories live. Discover now