Welcom home pt2

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Max: oh its so good to be back home

Millie: it is isn't it?

Blitzo: fucking christ mills what we should be doing is ask him why the fuck he started to kill people not like I care about the ones who died but fuck sake

Max: I killed because i knew if I killed enough youd be sent after me and I would.be able to see my family again right momma?

Millie: hugs you tightly in you bet sugar but that just means your a badass like your mom and dad

Max: OH RIGHT pappa maxxie I haven't hugged you yet goes to give moxxie a hug ohhh I missed you pappa

Moxxie: we missed you to Max struggles bit returns the hug ribs...being....crushed

Max: Nobody and I mean nobody will get in my way of my family again

Blitzo: ok you need to sit in the break room while we have a meeting about this whole situation

Max: ok

Meeting room -Max

Millie: so what do you want to talk about blitz?

Blitz: we need to talk about how we are going to convince our client the the target Is dead

Millie: Well tell the bitch that the contract is off

Blitzo: we can't millie it will ruin our reputation but if we did kill him he'd become a sinner and you'd still be with him


Blitzo: jeeze just food for thought

Moxxie: we could just kill the client and nobody would care I mean it's hell after all

Blitz: maybe but let's put that aside for now...ok so millie I have 3 conditions for allowing him to stay

Millie: suspicious and those are?

Blitzo: 1 he works for I.M.P shouldn't be to much of a bother he already kills people 2 his paycheck will be less than yours amd 3 he comes over and stays with loonie sometimes

Millie: I can understand the first two but why let him over?

Blitzo: because he makes loonie happy and sees him like a pet/little brother

Millie: fine but only 3 days a week

Loona: fine but he wears the collar when he's over

In the break room

Max: currently your listening to music on your phone

???: how does it feel to be back home

Max: Hello voice in my head I thought you left?

???: no I only took a break although I can see I missed out on your killing people plan to reunite with mom and dad

Max: well it was the best plan and look it worked!! I'm back home with mamma millie and pappa moxxie and big sis loona is the same as ever and don't forget uncle blitz threatening to kill me just like old times I really missed them although I wonder if big sis Octavia is ok

???: I'm sure she's fine Max although I still don't know why you call stella momma as well

Max: because what's better than one mamma? Two mammas of course

Loona walks into the break room

Loona: who are you talking to?

Max: the voice in my head it says your as pretty as ever

???: I DID NOT

Max: the prettiest

Loona: ok weirdo just don't do that to often or you might be considered insane

Max: ok sis

Blitz enters the room shortly after

Blitzo: ok kid so your going with millie and mox tonight and you'll start work with us tomorrow

Max: doing what?

Blitzo: doing what else killing

Max: YAYYYYYY I get to join the family business

???/Blitzo: God fucking dammit

That's the end of this chapter sorry it's short but it's a pt2 of the last chapter next one is the Pilot

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