fucked situation 🍋 (obvi)

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We open up on Max laying in bed it was three hours before midnight before his birthday

Max: oh man what am I going to do should I run?

Kreig: mentally maybe but you only have my strength mode unlocked (due to a comment made a decision that all three pictures in your choice will be the forms each with a specific ability)

Max: I know and you can only be out 30 minutes at a time then you take a full 4 hours to recharge...wait what time is it now? Max looks at the clock in his room to realize it's 12.01 am oh fuck dammit of course at the moment he realizes this his window opens and a silhouette enters his room

???: hmm what a quaint room you have but It seems you'll have to come with me

Max: who are you?

Alastor: my names alastor and as for why I'm here I'm here to help I couldn't help but hear your...predicament in the last meeting and it's quite entertaining so I threw my hat in the lot now come with me

Max: why?

Alastor: entertainment of course but also because I told two people about your birthday and they wish to see you as for who it is I'll let it be a surprise on who they are just grab my hand and we'll be off

Max: well...I've got nothing else to lose he grabs ahold of alastors hand

The moment Max grabes ahold of alastors hand he teleports the both of them to a very large hotel

Max: where are we?

Alastor: we are at the hazbin hotel a passion project of mine not that I believe it will work but it will surely be entertaining now get on in there I will be elsewhere tonight I am much to busy  at he moment he dissappears with a smirk after he says these words

Max: he's a really weird person but I hope he doesn't lead me astray...sighs here goes nothing Max enters the hotel not very busy is it? HELLO? Anyone here? After a bit of silence the sound of someone running can be heard from the other side of the lobby hello? Out of no where Max is tackled to the ground

???: oh my Satan we didn't expect you to be here so soon I thought alastor would have waited till morning to bring you here but it's fine we can start right away oh you probably can't see me very well with my breast in your face she gets off Max and helps him up

Max: wait a minute charlie?

Charlie: yup although I'm surprised you remembered me

Max: I've got a steel trap us here you know although I remember the radio guy saying two people wanted to see me?

Charlie: oh yes that was me and vaggie we heard about the situation from alastor happy birthday by the way and we wanted to help here follow me takes Max's hand and leads him to a room with a big door much bigger than the others this is mine and vaggies room she wanted to discuss this with you as well she opens the door and pulls Max in with her

Max: oh yea the gray one

Vaggie: the "gray one" has a name kid

Max: Hey I'm not a kid anymore I'm an adult man!

Vaggie: ha if you where you wouldn't be here would you

Max: fair point but fuck you anyways

Vaggie: oh you will

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