fucked situation pt2 🍋

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We open up on Max as he sneaks put of the hotel in the early morning around 4 AM

Max: ok just gotta open the front lobby door and exit

Kreig: mentally I still say your a pussy

Max: shut up your not the one fucked here Max stealthily opens the lobby door and makes his way out...of course after he exited the hotel he sprinted away running into the streets of Pentagram city holy fuck I can't believe my birthday Is turning put this way already a fuck with two women I've met once and I still have 3 more confirmed women after me just need to hide...maybe that Mayberry woman could help me I did kill her husband for her..worth a shot Max begins to make his way to where Mayberry lives

Kreig: mentally this has bad idea written all over it Max I mean what if she wants to fuck you to

Max: I doubt it after what happend I wouldn't be surprised if she decided to not get with anyone for a long time

Kreig: mentally this is hell everyone fucks everyone it's kinda thier shtick

Max: I know I just experienced it first hand with Charlie and Vaggie

It takes a little over an hour to walk/ sneak his way to the Mayberry residence

Max: Allright hopefully she's an early riser Max knocks on the door and eaits a few moments and when the door opens a red woman with one eye is standing there

???: Yesss she sounds southern and fairly happy for a resident of hell

Max: Your not Mayberry

Martha: no I'm not my Names Martha what's yours

Max: names...wait a minute Max starts to burst out laughing oh my God your the woman my uncle blitz and mom and dad where hired to kill oh my God HAHAHAHAAAAA nice to hehe meet you names Max

Martha: ha ha very funny so your the Max Mayberry hired to kill her husband didn't expect the fact you where human to be true

Mayberry come out of the her room (which let's say in this case is in view of the front door) hair disheveled and bearly dressed

Mayberry: who's at the door Marth... OH hey Max what do I owe this visit

Max: I'm here to hide from 3 crazy women. Who want to fuck me

Martha/Mayberry: what?

Max: well you see i just turned 18 today and well they all expressed a desire to be with me and I was hoping I could hide here at least for a few hours?

Martha: I'm sorry Max but your more liable to get fucked with Martha over here Than not

Martha: she just nods her head

Max: your not even denying it

Martha: Well it's the truth I mean I'm thinking of how I could get you in bed right now to be honest so it's for sure have sex here or get fucked out there by one of the three women who are after you now

Krieg: mentally Told you

Max: mentally shut up

As the conversation continued a portal opens up in a show of fire

???: I told you I'd find you Max now you better get in this portal and pound this furry ass before I drag you in here

Max: the fuck how did you find me Loona

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