loo loo land pt2

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Continuing from the last chapter

Stolas: gets out of the van oh Octavia don't be like that you loved this place when you where growing up and I'm sure Max will to gets pulled to the side by blitzo

Blitzo: not listen this is work me and my employees are not here to satisfy your perverted bird needs so-

Octavia: dad do we really nee-

Blitzo: yea mhm one second sweetie in a menacing voice twords stolas if you try to fuck my little ass in that park I swear to God i-

Stolas: ohohohohoho your so cute pinches blitzos cheek when you get all serious

Octavia: I think I'm literally going to be sick

Max: right behind you sis

Moxxie: oh Crumbs I knew today would be alot what do you need ant-acid, Tylenol, musings, morphine? Pulls out a bunch of green acid looking needles

Max: wrong pouch dad and we were being sarcastic but love the enthusiasm walks on with the rest of he group

Moxxie: throws the needles into a baby carrige but they said it was litteral

Millie: just teens being teens mox Gasps LOOK ITS BIG WOOBLY!!!

moxxie: that's deeply upsetting

Millie: have you never been here mox? My parent would bring me and my siblings here...when they could swing it money wise

Moxxie: I can see why the prices are criminal I mean just look the price for a novelty cup that you'll only use once!

Millie: it's because it's loo loo land!

Max: comes over covered in blood next to blitz she's right dad this is normal

Moxxie: who's blood is that

Max: some guy in an apple suit I thought if I threw him in a crusher I'd get apple juice

Moxxie: that's also unsettling

Blitzo: listen to your ho mox drinks from a novelty cup while dressed in novelty cloths now why don't you two have fun while me and Max take the first watch

A little bit later

Stolas: watches blitzo move around like a spy you look so handsome on the job blitzy~

Blitzo: quite bitch I'm working

Max/Octavia: get a room you two

Blitzo: I'm not a day hooker mkay!

Random woman: gasps loudly well I never

Blitzo: I just said I wasn't prude flips her off

Stolas: oh look tavia you used to cry such tears of joy at this show points to a tent

Max: something happen?

Octavia: yea and I don't want to talk about it

Max: ok sis just remember I'm here for you

Octavia: thanks Max

Stolas: being carried by murderous imps Blitzy I need my bodyguard right now

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