~Chapter Three~

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You two arrived at the Monastery. You got off the dragon and Kai made it go away. Kai opens the door for you and when you walked in you weren't expecting what you saw. "WHO ATE MY CAKE?!" "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR BREAKING MY INVENTION COLE!!" "GUYS!! WHO TURNED ZANE'S FUNNY SWITCH ON?! HE WON'T STOP CHASING ME!! HELP!!" "I'M GONNA GET YOU LLOYD!!" "IF YOU BOYS DON'T STOP YELLING I WILL PERSONALLY BREAK ALL OF YOU!!" "LOOK OUT!!" "AHHHHHH!!!!" You gasped as you saw 4 boys on top of each other at the bottom of the steps and a girl facepalming.

"Ugh, sorry you had to see that. It happens everyday really." Kai explained as he ran over to help the other ninjas get up. "DON'T YOU GUYS HAVE MANNERS!? I'M TRYING TO INTRODUCE SOMEONE TO YOU ALL!!" Kai yells at them and you chuckle. You walk over to them and smile. "Hey! I'm Saprina. Uh nice to meet you guys." You introduce. The girl smiles and shakes your hand. "I'm Nya! Kai's sister. Nice to meet you too!" She says cheerily. "Uh Saprina this is Cole, Jay, Lloyd, and Zane." Kai said and a choruses of 'Hi's' and 'Hellos' followed.

"Your a Ninja?" Cole asks and you nod. "Oh cool!! What element do you have!!" Jay asked. "Well it kinda isn't an element but it was passed down to me. It is the Art of potion making so I guess you could call me the Master of Potions." You explained. "She knows spinjitzu too!" Kai says. "That is quite exquisite! How did you learn the art?" Zane asks you. "Well Sensei Tadashi taught me. He was a friend of Sensei Wu." "You're pretty cool Saprina! Hope you enjoy yourself here!" Lloyd says and you smile.

The ninjas and Nya then walked away leaving you and Kai alone. "Cool guys." You complement and Kai smiles. "Yup they're like brothers to me." "And Nya is really laid back she seems cool too." "Yup! That's my sister." "So where's Sensei Wu?" You asked and Kai smiled as he walked you to a door. "Right in here." He says then opens the door. You two find Sensei meditating and you hesitated going in and disturbing him. "Uh, Excuse me Sensei but can I introduce you to someone?" Kai asked, not sure if he should disturb him.

Sensei opened his eyes and stood up. "You may." He says as he looks at Kai. "Sensei this is Saprina, Master of Potions. And Saprina this is Sensei Wu." Kai introduces. You and Sensei bow to each other as respect and you smile. "My Sensei has told me so much about you! It's nice to finally meet you." "Who is your Sensei?" Wu asked you "Sensei Tadashi. He was an old friend of yours." Wu thought for a minute before remembering. "Ah yes, Tadashi we were indeed good friends. Where is he now?" "Oh um he passed two years ago. But his teachings live on."

Sensei nodded, "I shall remember him dearly. You have my condolences." "Thanks Sensei." "Where was your dojo?" "Oh it was in a village not too far from here. He looked after me when I found out my parents died. So yeah I'm kinda alone now." "Well uh maybe you could move in with us?" Kai suggested and you chuckled. "Why don't you! We have an extra room here. Make yourself at home Saprina." Sensei said. You smiled and bowed again in respect. "Thank you Sensei, that'd be really nice." "C'mon, I'll help you move in." Kai says and you smile. "Okay. Well it was nice meeting you Sensei Wu and thanks again!" You say as Kai pulls you away. Sensei waves then goes back to his meditation. Looks like you were moving in and no one was happier then Kai.

A/N: I'm using my iPad to write this and I just realized that wattpad is having a problem with iPad users and uploading photos so it'll be a bit before I can show you guys a pic of saprina and some edits of her and Kai lol but hopefully the bug will be fixed soon ;)

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