~Chapter Sixteen~

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Today the ninja went out to do some side missions in Ninjago city. It was just you and Nya in the monastery. You and her were working on her new invention when the doorbell rang. You two went for the knob and opened it. "You guys are back!" Nya said as she hugged Jay. "Why'd you ring the doorbell? You had the key." You asked Zane. "It appears we have forgotten the key and also we may need help bringing Kai inside." Zane explained. "What's wrong with him?!" You asked getting worried.

Jay and Zane stepped aside showing Lloyd and Cole walking with Kai, with his arms on each of their shoulders. "Kai!!" You and Nya said as you both ran to him and helped Cole and Lloyd bring him in. You all brought him to the couch "We were in the middle of a fight with some crook and that guy didn't go too easy on Kai sadly." Cole explained. "We must let Kai get some rest." Sensei said.

Everyone nodded and left, not you. Kai coughed and gave a small smile at you. You smiled back then held his hand. "Whoever did this to you I swear I'll-" "No....it's ok....we G-got him...." "Good! Because I was going to make sure he never sees the light!" Kai gave a small laugh, "Y-your C-cute when....you get pumped up." You smiled and caressed his forehead then gave him a soft kiss. "Rest up, I'll be here." You told him. He smiled then slowly closed his eyes.

You examined his cuts and bruises. While you checked, Nya came back with a bowl of water and a towel. "He asleep?" She asked you as she dipped the towel in the bowl and rang out the water. "Yup, poor Kai." You said with a frown as you watched Nya clean up his bruises. "This guy must have been something else, Kai never is like this when he gets attacked or something. Or when he is he ignores the pain and moves on." Nya explained.

"That's weird then." "Yeah, but the Sensei said they took care of him so he's not a problem anymore." You nodded. All of a sudden, you remembered you had a health potion! You snapped your fingers in realization and got up. "That's it!" You said. "What's it?" Nya asked and you smiled wide. "I know how Kai can recover quickly!" You told her as you ran to your room and grabbed a health potion then came back downstairs.

"Wake him up." You instructed Nya and Nya shook Kai making him wake up slowly. "Kai, drink this health potion, you'll be better in no time." You told him as you took the top off. Kai slowly sat up and drank the Potion. As he was drinking it, his bruises and cuts disappeared and Kai seemed stronger. Kai finished drinking and gave a big smile. "It worked! I'm better!" He said as he hugged both you and Nya.

You all chuckled and broke the hug. "Good to see ya back brother!" Nya said as she ruffled Kai's hair. "Yeah yeah." "Ooh I see what you want. You want privacy with Saprina! Haha okay you know where I'll be." She said with a wink then went upstairs. You and Kai blushed and you smiled as you sat next to Kai. "Guess we could....Cuddle?" Kai says with a smirk as he put his arm around you pulling you closer to him. You giggled and rested your head on his chest.

"Sweet sounds of silence! I think we may be alone for once!" You said as you looked up at him and Kai smirked as he looked down at you. "Better believe it babe." "Babe? That's a new one. I likey!" "Thought I try something new!" He said giving you a wink. If your heart was dynamite, it would probably explode right now. One things for sure, Kai was turning you on. "Grr just kiss me!" You said as you connected his lips to yours.

Kai smirked in the kiss as he started doing some tongue action in your mouth. You were melting. If you were a ice cream cone there'd be nothing left of you but a puddle. You opened your mouth a little wider so Kai would have more access. Just then, sounds came out of your mouth! Kai sat you on your lap and you had easy access to run your fingers though his hair. It was years since you've had this feeling! You never felt great!
A/N: Wtf did I write saprinastar18 XD OMG XD

All of a sudden you two heard a clicking sound. You and Kai stopped and turned around to see Jay with a camera. He laughed and waved the camera up and down. "WOO! You two are BUSTED! Haha!!" Jay said. You and Kai glared at him, "ATTACK!!!" You yelled then you and Kai ran after Jay. "Oh no!!" Jay said as he ran. "Give us back the camera!!!" Kai yelled at Jay but Jay just laughed.

Jay met up with Lloyd and threw the camera to him. "Lloyd you can look though it while you run!!" He said Lloyd nodded and ran."Lloyd!!!" You and Kai called but Lloyd just kept running. Lloyd then threw it to Cole, "Keep going!!" He told him and Cole started to run. "Try to keep up!" He said as he ran. You and Kai started to slow down a little. "He's too fast!! Let's just take a break." Kai said as he stopped and catched his breath. "YOU'LL ALL PAY!! ONE OF THESE DAYS!!" You yelled and you heard laughter from them.

"You guys are disgusting!" Lloyd said and they all laughed. "Well this is the last time we'll be making out in the open." Kai said trying to breathe. "I agree!" You say "DINNER IS READY!! EVERYONE DOWN!" You all heard from the kitchen. Everyone ran downstairs but you and Kai just walked as you two were out of energy from running. You two finally made it and sat down and had dinner.

Hours past and it was past midnight, you could not sleep. You had a couple nightmares and your bed was becoming uncomfortable. You sighed as you got out of bed and shucked out of your room. You went to the backyard and laid down on the grass and looked up at the night sky. Whenever you couldn't sleep, you'd always go outside and get some fresh air. You felt the evening breeze hit your face. You counted at least 3 constellations as you laid there.

"Beautiful at this time at night, aren't they?" A voice asked. You sat up and turned around. "Relax it's just me!" Kai said as he put his hands up in surrender. You sighed in relief and chuckled. You laid back down and Kai laid down next to you. "What are you doing out here anyways?" "I could as you the same thing." "Well Zane accidentally hit one of his music switches in his sleep and I can't sleep with his loud tunes." Kai said annoyed.

You chuckled, "Well I had a couple nightmares so I couldn't sleep either." "You okay now?" "Yeah I'm good." You two were then engulfed in silence as you two just looked up at the night sky. "They glisten....Like you." Kai says as he looks at you. You look at Kai and smile, "So I have a constellation in my eyes is that what you're saying?" Kai chuckled and nodded his head. You blushed then looked back up at the sky.

A/N: You guys can play the song on the side now :) (not sure if it'll play tho XD)
"It's just another night, and I'm staring at the moon, I saw a shooting star and thought of you. I sang a lullaby by the waterside, and knew If you were here, I'd sing to you." Kai softly sang to you and you blushed. You laid on Kai's chest and closed your eye as you listened to him sing you the song.

"You're on the other side, as this skyline splits in two. Miles away from seeing you. But I can see the stars from Ninjago, I wonder do you see them too?" You were the only person Kai would only sing to, you felt pretty happy when he sings.

"So open your eyes and see, the way our horizons meet. And all of the lights will lead, into the night with me. And I know these scars will bleed, But both of our hearts believe. All of these stars will guide us home." You slowly fell asleep to Kai's voice under the night sky.

A/N: That.Was.A lot.of.feels. XD Tbh I wasn't expecting the erm Making out scene to be Pg 13 XD XD Laughing RN tho lol and the song is called 'All of The Stars' by Ed Sheeran from TFIOS movie :D and yes I replaced America with Ninjago #DealWithIt XD anyways pic to the side of the sky Saprina and Kai were looking at :)

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