~Chapter Twelve~

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You put your ninja hood on and made sure you had all your potions in your satchel. Then you went to the bridge with the rest of everyone to hear Sensei and Nya's plan. "Now that Saprina is on our team, we can divide into equal groups. Sensei and I will be reinforcements and will stay up here monitoring everything down there. You have us on communications unit so call if you need anything." Nya said.

"There are 3 entrances to the lair, Cole and Jay take the left, Zane and Lloyd take the front entrance, and Kai and Saprina take the right. There could be traps on all entrances so be careful." Sensei instructed. Just then the screen became static and Zander came on. "Nah ah ah! What kind of host would I be if I wouldn't let my guests into the front entrance! The sides are too dangerous! Please please! Enter the front! And don't worry! No traps." Zander said as he smirked then left the screen.

"Guess, we're all going the same way but everyone, stay with your partner." Cole said. Jay chuckled, "That should be no problem for Kai and Saprina." Kai glared at Jay and kicked him in the knee. "OW! Hey! I'm trying to be full strength when I fight!" "Then save your voice!" You said to Jay and rolled your eyes. "Okay, okay sheesh." "We're approaching acid falls. The bounty can't go that far in so you ninja have to take your dragons down." Nya said.

"Let's do this guys!" Lloyd said and you glared at him and folded your arms. "And uh girls." He said. "Much better!" You and the ninjas ran to the deck's edge. "Be careful ninja! There are acid everywhere." Sensei warned. "Do not worry Sensei, we will be on guard." Zane told Sensei. "We're here lets do this!" Kai said then with a Ninja Go! From all of you, you all jumped off the ship and summoned your dragons mid air.

"Woah! Nice dragon Saprina!" Cole said and you smiled. "Thanks! Yours is pretty cool too." You complimented. Your dragons reached the entrance and you all made them go away. "Stay on task, this has to be a trap." Lloyd reminded everyone. Zane rang the doorbell and the doors opened. You all slowly walked in standing next to your partner. Just then Zander appeared. "Welcome! Welcome! Do come in!" He said and you all walked inside. His hideout was big and had a huge computer screen.

"Sit, Sit! Take a break! My servants will be right here with some beverages." Zander told you all. At first you were all hesitant of sitting down but once Cole and Jay sat down on a couch, it seemed okay. Lloyd and Zane sat on a couch across from Cole and Jay and you and Kai took the love seat. "Had to be a love seat." You said and Kai snickered. 3 servants came and gave you all a cup. "This isn't poison is it?" Jay asked as he swished the drink in his cup around.

"Pixal tells me it is just water and it is safe for drinking." Zane confirms. You shrugged, "Seems legit." You all take a sip while waiting for Zander to come back. "Enjoying yourselves?" Zander asks as he appears in front of you all again. "You seem a little too friendly! Why'd you want us to come here anyways?!" Kai asked. Zander smiled and walked over to you and Kai. "I just want to apologize for turning Ninjago city into acid! Is it wrong for me to welcome you all into my humble hideout?" He says

You glare at Zander, you weren't gonna buy any of it. You've known Zander for 2 years, he's always got an acid trap up his sleeves. "This is all a trap that you've lured us in Zander! You've done this to me for years." You tell him and Zander evilly smirks at you. "That's the power of true friendship my dear! And I guess you can say, Your right! You know me so well!" He sneers at you. Just then the couches Zane, Lloyd, Jay, and Cole were sitting in suddenly have chains and tighten around them all.

"We'll get you for his Zander!" Lloyd said as he squirmed around in the chains. "I'm sure you will, Greeny! And last but not least! The couple!" Zander said then he pressed a button on his remote and then you and Kai fell down a trap door. When you landed on ground you felt chains tighten around you. The room was dark as you looked around. "KAI!" You yelled but didn't hear anything. "KAI!" You called again but still nothing. You started to get worried.

Just then you heard two claps and the lights came on. You saw Kai hanging by some chains above a big pit of acid. You were chained to the wall. When Kai woke up he tried to escape the chains wrath but it was no use. Kai saw you struggling in the chains. "SAPRINA!!" He yelled. Just then Zander came in and did an evil laugh. "Aww true love keeping you apart! How sweet!" He said then did another evil laugh. You glared and Kai glared at him. "Zander!! Once I can reach my potion bag and escape I swear I'll finish you!" You told him as you continued to struggle.

"Cute! But Saprina! Hate to tell you but I've taken your precious satchel! Your powers are useless against me!!" You stopped struggling and sighed. "You know Saprina, what I love about me being your nemesis! Is that I TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!" He said then he pressed a button on his remote and Kai went down at least five feet. "AHHH!! KAI!!" You yelled as tears began to swell up in your eyes. "I'm fine Saprina! I'd rather die for you then to live without you." Kai said from the pit. "Aww look at that! Romeo is willing to DIE for his Juliet!"

"I'll...Kill you Zander.." You said in between tears. "I'd love to see that happen but first I need to go torture your other friends upstairs. How about you and Romeo spend you last few moments together! IN THE PIT OF ACID!!" Zander then pressed another button on is remote and then the wall you were chained up against moved you until you were chained up together with Kai. "Ta ta!" Zander said as he left through some grey sliding doors.

You looked down at the pit of acid down below you then looked up at Kai as you realized Zander chained you two facing each other. "Are you okay?" Kai asked you and you nodded. "Are you?" You asked Kai and he nodded as well. "Well I guess this is it." You tell him. "Well, if there was anyone I'd die with I'm glad it's with you." Kai said with a smile. You smiled back then looked down blushing. You noticed the acid was rising up. "Well we haven't got much time together so I might as well tell you what I was going to say earlier." You say to Kai.

"Yeah, what is it?" "Kai...I-i L-love you..." You studder and Kai smiles. "You make me such a happy ninja for saying that Saprina, I love you too." You and Kai blush at each other and smile. "Even though it appears we're going to die soon, I've never felt so....Happy in my life then right now." You tell Kai. "Me too." Then you and Kai lean in closer and your lips connect with his. He kissed you softly yet passionately. You two let go then leaned against one another's forehead, and smiled.

A/N: SO... MUCH... FEELS XD anyways I told ya they'd kiss eventually haha your welcome! ;) and yes chains by nick Jonas is the song I chose for the side Bc as I was writing this it popped up in my head XD

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