Chapter 14 Goddess back story

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beast goddess and her two son

Beast goddess are the only living person in this world, the world are created by a supreme god of all universe.

Beast goddess born to a dragon egg in a magical forest. The magical beast in the forest gather around the egg and protect the egg towards some monster looking beast. They provide heat and protection towards the egg like it's their own cub.

Later on the egg hatch after 1 whole season cycle and they gather around it just to see the most beautiful creature created in this world.

She's stunning with her long silky white hair, her golden eyes, her small nose and her cupid bow lips and her slender body. She have a nature power, like she can grow plants and talk to animals.

One day the supreme god visited the new created world. And he got shock when he saw a creature he doesn't remember making. He observe her while she's making the world abundance of plants that edible. The trees I made that same as the other world I created are now growing much stranger and bigger than the original.

I saw how she created a lot of things, she make some extra huge flowers, she make her own dress using the same flowers she created.

She sing something and dance in the flower fields she created. I was mesmerized to her beauty even the females in other world are can't compare to her.

When I think that she's a creature born in this new created world and not create by my power. I walk towards her and make her my subordinate. I can feel an immense power within her.

Years of being with her, teaching and nurturing her about her body and her power. I fell. Those beauty traits I can't see to any other female in any universe I created and in any goddess I encounter in the supreme world. She makes my heart lift and she's the only female I love. I protect her and show her how much I adore her.

One time she goes in her season cycle(every season, beastworld has 4 season, 3 months every season and beast goddess has entrouse every season, like every 3 months); which is a bloody mess,I take care of her, giving her all she needs. after her cycle, she envelope my being with her pheromones, I don't know what happen that time. I know her pheromones won't affect me but this time it's enclose me, alluring me to have a taste of her. I know she doesn't know anything during this cycle and that's making me more guilty. That 3 nights I make love to her, giving her all my love and showing her how much I want her.

I feel like I take advantage of her. When her heat subsided she won't talk to me. She always goes to the flower field and that's make me cry internally.

When the god council contact me through telepathy. I have an excuse to unwind. I want to erase her memory of that time. I want her to look at me again but she won't even take a glance at me. I'm mad at myself but I can't let her stay in this world, even the nature protect her, I want to ensure that even I'm not with her, she will be safe.

Then I  created a haven above, at the back of the biggest moon; due to it's silvery white color, I gave her the chosen name of her. The moon called Ceres, after serene's name.

She become the beast goddess of nature. She establish a good land full of anything she wanted but she can't go down to the beastworld.

Then I leave the world and do my duties before coming back. 5 years have pass and my sunshine saw me and she smile back, within her two hands are two beastly kids looking just like me and her. And it click to me. We created a new Gods for this world.

I can see a future where the twin has their mates. I saw the world below the haven. The world Change. Few beast can turn into person now, with knowledge and strength.

So much have happen and now.

My beautiful mate gave a flower and vines mark in my left chest where my heart located and I saw a sun mark on hers.

The females are strong but due to males abusing the females, I curse them, and years have passes, with me traveling in every world I created and going back to my goddess, my mate.

Our two son become adult and we named them as the dark and the light..

Dark or lunar named and claim the second moon, that dark violet color, like his eyes and his fur, he have a lion beast form and have a strong power just like their mother.

Light or Solar named and claim the sun in this world, it's a small bluish white dwarf sun, yes the hottest but the smallest sun in every universe I've created. Just like his silvery blue eyes and his white silky hair. He have a phoenix beast form.

They handle this world with care, providing challenges for the males and negotiate with other world's god to transfer some female for this world..

Unfortunately, the curse I've created didn't hurt the male instead, the female become rare and weak than the original females of this world.

I did make my son's job a bit difficult for that curse.. when I lifted the curse, it's already too late and I can't take back the time anymore.

The first transmigration is successful but lunar take a liking to her and they fell in love mated with each other, with 7 more mates, have some cubs and after 5 years of happy life with each other, the female came back to her world without any trace.. her mates panicked but when they reach their 5th marks they got transferred to her world leaving their beast form in this world that turn into a normal beast. Lunar ties to this world can't go to her. Even when his mate died he can't see her. And he become rootless. He is a immortal and tittled a one of the beast god, so even he's a rootless beast.

He's still rational though his cute and careless personality change into a cold one, his dark violet eyes and furs become bland due to him being tied to the lunar moon, the moon also become bland color of violet.

I feel sorry for my son, if only his female choose to stay within this world, he'll be happy for the rest of his life. Solar are much popular to all the beast cause he can communicate to some beast called ape through dreams, premonition.

While lunar are popular toward the feral and unfortunate one, like rootless like himself.

My goddess is the source of mercy and wrath..

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