Chapter 17: Jaguar Guard

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I'm busy making a flower crown in the field with my two tiger mates; Winston and Marco.

I make 3 crowns for us, for Winston I made blue tulips and some flower that looks like white roses but doesn't have thorns, for Marco I made the yellow tulips and the same white roses like flower, mine is mixture of pink and violet with the same white flowers.. I smile at my works and walk to my tiger mates, puting my handmade flower crown on their head and mine.

Marco made me a bouquet of the same white roses like flower with some different tulips on it wrapped on a thin fur that I don't know when it came from.

I smile at them sweetly, "love this reminds me of a song i heard from my favorite fantasy anime, I'll sing the chorus for you because I can't remember the whole song" I scratch the back of my neck and stands up a little far from them, I sing the chorus of the song while closing my eyes and let the winds carry my melody and heart to my mates.

When I finish the song I open my eyes just to met with my other mates surrounding me, with some city guards and a few beastman and female I didn't know.

I stare at my three kings mates, and my two tiger mates feeling embarrassed by the sudden crown, I hid my face within the flower bouquet that my sweet black tiger made for me.

I heard them laugh and approach me immediately.

"Tell me love, are you from bird clan of sort, I never heard of something so magnificent my entire life. You're making me fall for you more and more" some guards agreed with my mates making my mates growl as it shows that they are interested in courting me.

A familiar guard appear brave enough to not be frightened by my mates beast pressure. The same guard that inspect us when I first arrived at the beast city. He really look like chanyeol from my favorite Korean band, he's tall have black hair, blown bright eyes, lean but full of muscles in the Right places, and have a dimples on his left chick, when I met with his gaze, I got petrified. I look back to my mates and saw them staring at me.

"You like him?" Marco glare at the guard beastman jealous.

My mouth gape at the declaration of my black tiger. Am I too obvious? I walk towards my mates and saw that my other mates assess the  guard, the daddies nodded in approval due to them seeing the three marks on the neck of the beastman. But my two younger mates looks dejected.

"Are we not enough?" Marco whisper but I heard it and I know the others heard it too.. he looks so sad so I approach him holding his hands.

"You know why I needed more mates love, it's not that I'll forget you when I become mate with more than 15 beast, you'll always be my only black tiger" I explain I saw his tears falling, never minding that where in the public place and others can see us I hug him tight whispering 'I love you' multiple times.

"I know that it's not my choice if you choose more mates, it's your choice as a female, I'm sorry for complaining. I love you too more that anything" still with teary eyes. He hug me tight when he calm down then that I realize that where in the middle of a big crowd.

I felt so embarrassed and I can feel that I'm turning into ripped tomato. I hid my face within my mates and when I can feel my embarrassment subsided. I look around and utter a "hi" to the crowd earning a few awe.

My three king mates came to me, Wilbert carry me then walk towards unfamiliar female and beastmen with my mates on our back with the black haired guard, I heard my sweet black tiger apologize for his behavior to the guard that I'm interested to. I heard his name is Dark, and he's the only jaguar living in the city because jaguar mainly habitat is the forest as the entire species become feral except for him who was found by the leopard king  when he was cub and nurse till become adult, he's talkative with my mates, I hear how my black tiger curiously ask him to morpp so I stare at him, anticipating his form.

When he did morpp into his jaguar form, I was shook by how shiny his fur is, and it's look so soft. I make Wilbert to put me down and he oblige. I walk toward the black kitty and I rub every corner of him..

"So soft" I whisper before booping his noise.

He shipted back to his beastman form.. I lean to him and kiss his cheeks before walking back to my daddy ape. Before letting my ape mate carry me I look back at the petrified beast. I wink at him making his slightly pink face become beet red.

We finally came Infront of the three beastman looking royalties and the two female with them, but unlike most females in the beast city, the two female look well kept, smell nicer too and very attractive,with a nice vibe coming from them. my pervert side clashing with my playful side.

I extended my hand and playfully touch the two female's hands. "They are soft like what I anticipated, and smell so nice" I nodded to myself before looking at the female's faces, when I saw them blushing slightly while staring at me, I wink at them making them blush more like a ripe tomato.

Someone cough at my back "Babygirl, this is the princes and princesses of the fox city, this is our mate; chrizzie"

The princesses though still blushing cough and handed their hands to me in a right way.

"I'm snow" the shorter with pink hair and eyes

"I'm rain" the tallest with pink hair and violet eyes

I smile at them and hold their soft hands.

"I'm chrizzie, but you can call me rizz for short" I wink at them "or love?!" I chuckle at how they turn so red by my teasing.

"I'll love that" snow and rain shout at the same time. We talk about things and smile and laugh at things we do, it's like we're on our own world that's why we forget about the males that calling us at our sides.

When someone grab my waist and touch my tummy then that when we realize that we're not alone.

I laugh and the two princesses follows.

"I'm sorry loves, I just feel so connected to the pretty ladies, I didn't mean to ignore you" I smile at them.

"I'm sorry brothers, I just remember mommy when we're talking to rizzie, it's like our mom alive again." I stare back at them and I don't know what got me but I hug them to comfort their hearts.

"When you miss someone that passed away just look at the sky, and when the star twinkle in your eyes that means they are watching and waiving at you"

I comfort them and when I let them go I saw my mates looking at me with their loving eyes. I just smile at them and look for my jaguar hunk. I saw him talking with my black tiger.

"I'll go first loves, enjoy your stay at our city, I hope your stay is as pleasant as possible" I smile and added "don't forget to visit me at our castle and beware of ugly bitches scattered here in the city" I whisper the last sentence but making sure they heard me. They laugh at my words and nodded.

I walk towards dark and cling into his arms. "You look so familiar to me. You're the black haired guard that day right?" He nodded so I smile at him.

"You're cute" I whisper and I saw how he blush through my complement.

"Your beautiful" he complement back.

"So you want to be my mate?" I move my eyebrows up and down. He smirk at me before holding my waist just enough so that he won't hurt me now that I'm pregnant. So gentle

"more than breathing" he whisper playfully.

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