Tossed Away

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YN/N= your nickname



It was a normal day in los Angeles and you were waiting for the end of peters day at disney studios to hang out with him.
Peter was an actor he played the role of Peter pan in well Peter pan.
You were peters only friend and you both lived close by to each other.
However Peter go home early and you didn't know noticed he seemed really blue..bluer then usual..his parents weren't home and you had to stay home because your parents were making you move away..
You hadn't told Peter this though..
When you managed to catch a break from packing you walked across the road to your best friends home and knocked on the door.
"Peter? You home? It's me Y/N!" You announced
You heard some shuffling and soon the door opened to reveal a very sad Peter..
He had a little moustache on his upper lip and he was covered in pimples these didn't bother you because you had them at one point to.
"Hey Peter..what are you doing home so early??" You asked curiously
"Disney fired me.." he replied
"What?!" You gasped
"I know..they threw me away like I was nothing to them but a dumb kid..they said I was to old to play Peter pan anymore..even though I am Peter pan!" He declared
"What jerks!" You declared
"You said you wanna? Come in? Mum and dad aren't home as per usual so.." Peter replied
"I'd love to Peter" you replied
He stepped aside and let you inside his home.
That afternoon you both played some games and watched a movie you knew peters parents weren't going to be home until late so you invited him over to yours for dinner which he accepted..
You made sure to keep him in the rooms that weren't packed up yet until you were ready to tell him..
You could tell he was feeling scared and alone..
You have been his best friend since you both were babies..
His parents were never really around so it's not like he could talk to them..
You're all he has and now you're leaving it isn't going to be easy..
When dinner was over you and Peter watched another movie before he headed back home..
Before he did you gave him a well needed hug..
"I'm sorry Disney fired you didn't deserve that your amazing actor and if Disney can't see then they deserve better Disney doesn't know what it's lost.." you declared
A smile appeared on Peter's face that was genuine and he hugged you back..
"Thanks YN/N I'm glad I've got least I'm not completely alone" Peter declared
You tensed because you knew he wouldn't have you for much longer either..
As you both let go you walked peter to the door and waved him off,watching as he went across the street and soon into his own home..
How were you going to tell Peter??

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