Secrets Told

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°•~ Next day~•°

You had woken up early to a knock on your door..
You walked through the house from your bed and answered not caring if you were in PJs or not..
It was chip n dale..
"Chip? Dale? *Yawn* what are you too doing here?" You asked
"We got some good news!" Chip stated
"Great news!" Dale declared
"Okay?" You stepped aside and let them in before shutting the door behind them and entering the kitchen to make coffee.
"Peter wants to talk to you again! He wants to hear you out!" Dale stated
"Sort of he isn't angry at you for leaving his angry because you lied about why you didn't tell him don't know how he picked that up" chip stated
"We were best friends we would tell each other everything..we never hid anything important from each doesn't surprise me that he..sensed something was off.." you replied while taking a sip of your new coffee.
"Oh oh you should've seen his face!" Dale stated
Chip face palmed
"Dale here decided to play an accident prank on him he thought you were dead for a few minutes" chip stated
"What?" You chocked on your coffee.
"Why would you prank the guy that wants to kill you?" You asked
"Because I wanted to see how'd hed react! If he'd react carelessly or full of concern" dale stated
"And how did he react?" You asked looking in-between them.
"Full of concern" chip replied
"He still cares about you! His pupils went so large and his ears perked up!" Dale stated shook your head side to side..
"But he acted so.. aggressively yesterday.." you replied
"Yeah he told me to tell you he's sorry about being so mean" chip stated
"He did?" You asked
"Yep! His exact words were 'tell her I'm sorry I shouldn't of been so mean to her'" dale declared attempting to change his voice into peters and failing miserably..
"So..he really wants me to go see him again?" You asked
"You bet!" Dale replied
"Okay.." you replied
"Are you going to tell him the truth?" Chip asked
"Yes..I should've told him years ago..when we actually had a chance of being together.." you replied

~•°Prison Facility°•~

You took deep breaths and entered the door to peters room chip and dale giving you thumbs up as you entered..
When you appeared in front of the glass Peter locked eyes with you..
"Look I'm sorry I was a real jerk yesterday you didn't deserve that you were trying to apologize for something that you didn't need to be apologizing for and I was an ass.." peter declared
"It's okay.." you replied
"No it's didnt and don't need to apologize you tried as hard as you could to stay it wasn't your fault I never should have blamed you I never should have made you feel bad for leaving yes I needed you but I lived didn't I? I'm sorry.
But..I want to know..why didn't you tell me the truth when you told me you were leaving?" Peter asked
"I told you..half the truth.." you replied "I was scared of how you'd react but not to that news.."
"What news would I have reacted negatively to?" Peter asked
"I.." you started shyly
"What news YN/N?"
He called you by your nickname..the one he used to call you by..
"I don't know how to say it.." you replied
"Just say it.." Peter replied
"I.." you started
You took a deep inhale and exhale and spilled the beans..
"I had a crush on you..I was scared to tell you because I knew I'd have to share my true feelings which i was ashamed of so I stalled and waited but then by the time I got the chance to tell you about was to late.." you replied
"Is there any chance you..still? Like me?" Peter asked.
You looked up at him in the eyes..his beautiful brown eyes and smiled shyly..
"I never stopped.."
His pupils went larger and he purred..
"Thank goodness..cause..I liked and still like you too.." he replied
You smiled widely.

"You do?" You asked
"Yes..I have liked you since we were both 12" Peter declared
"I've liked you since we were 13.." you replied
"Guess I fell first" he purred
"I guess you did.." you replied

You both smiled at each other it was hard to tell through his muzzle.

"You aren't scared of me now though are you?..I'm sure you've heard what I'm charged for.." Peter declared
"No I'm not scared of you..I know you better then anyone here" you replied
"I would hug you but I'm chained up at the moment" Peter replied
"It's okay" you replied "I'm just glad we're not fighting anymore..perhaps I can visit everyday?" You suggested
"I'd like that..I'd like that a lot.." Peter replied
"I'll see what I can do.." you replied as you were ushered out by the guard..
"Hey YN/N.."
You looked at him..
"Yeah Peter? Sorry Pete?" You asked
"You can call me Peter you can call me whatever you want.."
"O-oh okay uhm What's up?"
"I love you."
Your insides warmed up and the guard froze as she to wasn't expecting the words from the crime lord..
You almost cried happy tears as you replied
"I-i love you too!"
Peter smiled widely and you smiled back.
The guard led you out were chip,dale and Lena were waiting.
"How'd it go?~" dale cooed
"He-he likes me to..he's liked me for longer he said the words..he said I love you!" You declared
"Awwww!" Dale cooed
" That's cute but I don't believe he said I love you I don't think those words are in his vocabulary" chip stated
"I used to think so to but I mean if she said he did They are!" Dale stated
"She is right because I heard it to..he said I love you" the guard replied before reentering the cell..
Within a split second she poked her head back out.
"Boss I think you should see this.."
Lena nodded and opened up a slide window..
You lifted chip n dale up to look to..
Peter was beyond happy..
"She likes me back! She likes me back! Roogaroogaroo! Haha! This is the best day of my life!"
Awwwwww he still crows! You blushed up like a raspberry..
"Awwww!~" dale cooed
"Huh..well there you go.." chip replied
"Aw look she's blushing!" Dale declared
Your blush deepened.
"W-well I didn't know he still crows!" You defended..
"Interesting..miss L/N may I request you return for daily visits? I want to test something" Lena asked still observing peters positive behavior..
"Of course I was actually going to ask if I could visit everyday anyway so that works perfectly" you replied
"Splendid" Lena replied
You put chip and dale back down on the ground but looked at Peter through the window again..
"Theoretically..if he let you..could you unbootleg him?" You asked
"Yes why?" Lena asked
"If I persuade him..will you?"
Lena,chip and dale looked at each other.
"I suppose yes.." Lena replied
"I'm just thinking it would make it easier wouldn't it?" You replied
"Yes we wouldn't have to have someone feed him and nearly lose their arm.." Lena replied
"What if I feed him until I can persuade him? He won't bite my arm off.." you declared
"I can tell" Lena replied gesturing to the still happy as Larry frankenpete.
He was purring..loudly..
"I accept miss L/N..I accept.." Lena declared

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