Moving Away

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Peters loneliness and desperation had gotten worse his parents were so busy you were peters only company in this tough time,he's been so desperate to act in something but everyone keeps turning him down for the way he looks at the moment during puberty..
You moving didn't help you still hadn't told him yet and the packing got out of there was no way of hiding the fact you were moving away.
A moving truck was out the front taking your furniture away and the boxes..
You were loading your bag into the car when you heard.
"Y/N?..what's going on? Your moving? Why are you moving?"
You frowned as you turned to face your best friend..
"Peter I..I can explain.." you replied
He wasn't upset like you were not in that way..he was angry..
"How long have you been keeping this from me?" Peter asked firmly
"Days?! Weeks?! A month?!" He continued
"I-i know your angry Peter but please understand i-i don't have a choice dad's mum is all alone and going blind we have to go and live with her..look after her.." you replied
"That didn't answer my question how long have you been keeping this from me?!"he sternly asked
"..a-a few weeks.." you replied shamefully
"A few weeks!?" He gasped
"I- I didn't know what to say then Disney fired you I didn't want to-" you started
"Oh so it's my fault?!" He sternly asked
"No Peter it's not your fault! It's just-its mine! I was so scared to tell you I-i didn't know How'd you react!" You replied
"I would've reacted better if you'd told me sooner! Instead of me having to find out the day you're leaving! I don't understand Why can't they go and you stay?! You can stay with me! We have spare rooms mum and dad are never around we can hang out everyday all day!" He declared
"you know I can't do that Peter i have to go with them they won't let me stay with you.."
You replied
"S-so what your really leaving me?! Your leaving me alone? Your supposed to be my best friend!" He continued firmly
"I am your best friend Peter please-"
You went to comfort him but he stepped back.
"Your all I had YN/N..a best friend wouldn't do this.."
Your E/C eyes welled up..
"W-what are you saying??"
You sulked
Peter shook his head side to side with a sigh and a frown.

"I'm saying goodbye.." he declared
"Peter wait-wait please dont-.."

He turned his back on hugs not even a handshake..
He just..turned his back on you and started to walk to his house..
"P-peter!-p-peter wait! Come back we-We can talk this out! Peter!"
You cried was too late..he was gone..
He slammed his front door shut so hard you heard it from across the street..
Your mother noticed your teared up state when she came back out the front but you just got into the car and bawled your E/C eyes out there..
..when your parents got into the car and the journey away from LA began they followed behind the moving truck.
When you went passed peters noticed him..he watched you go from a window before shaking his head and shutting the blinds in tears of his own..
You didn't see Peter for a long time after that.

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