Chip N Dale

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"What? What are you too doing here? Did you follow me home?!" You gasped
"No no-" dale replied
"No Lena sent us after you to keep an eye on you! for a good reason we think your hiding something! Something to do with sweet Pete! Something important!." Chip declared
"Wh?..hiding something? What would I be hiding I have an alibi that checks out" you replied
"I don't know but I'm going to get to the bottom of it!" Chip declared
"You want to know what I'm hiding?" You asked
"Yes!" Dale replied "as long as it's nothing that's going to kill us on the spot.." he continued
"It won't hurt you" you replied
"That would be the first your best friends a crime lord" chip replied
"He wasn't always a crime lord..he used to be a loving empathetic person who gave the world his heart..the world just broke it..I broke it.." you replied with a sad sigh..
"That was uh deep? Do you need someone? I know a great therapist" dale replied
" fine it was Peter that needed the help and I wasn't there I just wish I could have done more to help him..follow me.." you replied
You lead the two chipmunks 🐿️ 🐿️ to your collection room and opened the door..
They both gasped upon entry..
"You collected all of this? Why?" Chip asked
"When I moved I missed my best friend..I missed him so much I started collecting everything to do with his movies.." you replied
"Wow! Is that the Peter Pan doll from return to Neverland?!" Dale gasped
" is the one and only." You replied
"How did you get that?" Chip asked gesturing to it..
"Peter snuck it off set for me.." you replied
"Noway!" Dale gasped
"Yes way..I know you both know the side of Peter that's not good..the one that bootlegged your friend and tried to kill you but..there is another side to I still hope exists but..I can show look"

You sat down on the small lounge you put in this room with a photo frame and let the chipmunks move close so they could see..

"Is that?"
"Wow your both so happy!"

Chip and dale declared
"We were really happy..peters parents weren't around a lot and I was all he really had.."
You replied
You scanned the room..
"Truth is I..I didn't tell him I was leaving sooner because I was scared yes but..also because..I-.. I loved him"
You admitted
"I at the time was ashamed of my feelings and I was trying my best to hide them..when I was told we had to move I not only wanted to tell him the news but also my feelings I just..didn't know how to.."
You continued
"Do you still? Love him? After all these years?" Dale asked
You looked at the doll with a frown..
"Yes..I never stopped..but he hates me..he doesn't forgive me..I don't think he ever will and he's in jail so.." you declared
"This is true but I'm sure if you share your true feelings he'll understand I mean he'd have to be pretty pathetic to be holding a grudge about something that happened when you were kids something you couldn't have stopped" chip declared
"Maybe we can convince him to hear you out?" Dale asked
"He won't listen to us he actually hates us he literally shot you with a cannon ball dale" chip replied
"True.." dale trailed
"It's okay boys.." you replied
"We should get going dale report back to lena" chip declared with a wink unbeknownst to you.
"Right right! Thanks for showing us your picture and your collection!" Dale stated
You got up and started to walk them out.
"No worries safe travels" you replied
When they left you shut the door and locked it as well as the bathroom window before flopping onto the couch..
Your E/C eyes welled up and bawled out..


When dale drove us back to the facility when told Lena what we had seen..but dale..he slipped away..
I went after him..
"Dale? Dale?.."
I found him he was going to slip into sweet Pete's room!.
"Dale!" I whisper scolded and followed behind.
"Chip we gotta tell him!" Dale declared
"About what? Her feelings? She should do that not us!" I replied
"No not that!" Dale replied
The door was opened because the guard was on her break so we slipped in..
"Hey Pete!" Dale declared
sweet Petes pupils shrunk in anger and his ears bent back he faught his restraints.
"Chip n Dale! What are you rodents doing here?! get lost!" He snapped
"Take it easy we just wanna talk!" Dale replied
"I Don't Care!" He snapped
"It's about your friend! The one that was just here!" I protested trying to help dale..
He seemed to calm down a little.
"What about her?." He gritted
"She got into an accident..on her way home.." dale replied
For a few moments his pupils became large and his ears pricked forward in concern..
He did still care..he doesn't hate her..
"Dale!. He's just messing with you! Look we know she was your best friend but what happened then was years ago why are you still holding a grudge? She couldn't control the fact she had to leave" I replied
"Why You Little Rat-Rrrr! It's not because she left! I know she couldn't control that!"
"Then why? Why are you still mad at her? You made her really upset you know.." dale stated.
"Because she didn't tell me! She kept it from me until the last second! The day she told me she lied about the reason why! That's why I'm still mad! And I am aware! What's it to you?!" Pete snapped
"We were told to follow her home you know? because she's acquainted with a crime lord? Pete she misses you a lot she has a whole collection of things to do with you! Including that doll!"
I declared
"Doll? what doll?"
"You know exactly what doll I'm talking about think." I replied
His eyes looked at the floor as he focused on his memorys..
Then he looked back at us..
"She kept it? She still has it? The one I stole for her from set?" He asked
"Yes!" Dale replied
"Look if we get her to come here and tell you why she didn't tell you the truth why she lied to you..will you forgive her?" I asked
"Yes." Pete replied
"Hey you two aren't supposed to be in here!" The guard replied returning from her break.
"We were just leaving! Come on dale!" I declared
"Hey wait."
I stopped and turned to sweet Pete..
"Tell her..I'm sorry..I shouldn't of been so mean to her.."
"Will do."
"Thanks rodent"

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